Tina's Lines Flashcards
Cue line:”Oh, I got here about 10 minutes ago.”
First word: “I”
I hope it’s not going to take long, my
parking meter is for only thirty minutes. (Beat)
That doesn’t make sense! Why have a casting office with no parking lot and only short term meters on the street? (Beat)
So, who are you reading for?
First word: “Wow!”
Wow! There sure are a lot of people here.
I had to park 4 blocks away. How long have you been waiting?
Cue line:”Julia Dieter”
First word: “really?”
Really? So am I!
Cue line:”Thanks Mark, looking forward to it.”
First word:”You”
You know him?
Cue line:”Oh, Mark? Yeah, he cast me in Saints of
the City. Great guy.”
First word:”I’m”
I’m so glad Julia is a New Yorker. I used
to lived in New York, so the accent is a breeze. How about you?
Cue line:”I grew up in Chicago, but spent a lot of
time in New York. I did a few Broadway gigs before moving here.”
First word:”Jason”
“Jason! I deserve better than this!”
Cue: (Catherine snickers)
Cue line:”what?”
“I gave you the best part of my life and you do this to me? Who is she?”
Cue: (Catherine snorts)
First word:”something”
Something wrong?
Cue line:”What? No, I was just going over page 76.
I just love the irony in that scene.”
First word:”Oh,”
Oh, yeah, there’s a lot of irony in that scene. Kind of funny.
Cue line:”Yeah, it’s ironic.”
First word:”Jason”
“Jason! I deserve better than this!”
Cue:(Catherine laughs)
First word:”what?”
What? You see another scene with irony?
Cue:(Catherine laughs even louder)
First word:”You”
You gotta problem?
Cue line:”No, no …it’s just…”
First word:”just”
Just what?
Cue line:”Nothing, really, it’s nothing”
First word:”Wait”
Wait, are you laughing at me?
Cue line:”No………Yes!”
First word:”really?”
Really? You bitch!