Tina Flashcards
Someone is stupid but funny, it’s a joking way to say. Like:idiot
二货/二逼 èr huò/èr bī
二逼is more common
When u feel someone very stupid and u r really angry!!!!! U can call he??
傻逼 shǎ bī
Someone really like eat all kinds of delicious food!! E.g:Tina
吃货 chī huò
Speechless ;have nothing to say or don’t want to talk with someone anymore!
无语wú yú
Cute ; Super lovely!!!!!!!!
萌萌哒 méng méng da
Seek death; look for trouble
“No zuo ,no die” it’s chinglish, but we always say this sentence .haha
作死 zuō sǐ
不作死,不会死 bú zuō sǐ,bú huì sǐ.
It’s shanghainese . Always describe Shanghai girls. Means: fussy ,picky (act like a spoiled child)
作 zuō
Your brain has two parts: the left and the right. Your left brain has nothing right, and your right brain has nothing left.
Always describe “90 hou” and it’s a bad word!
脑残 nǎo cán
Guru; e.g :Hugo is game guru!! Haha
Legend ;master
Really good at something!
大神 dà shén
Very funny
搞笑gǎo xiào
Fucking awesome /great/cool;freaking awesome
牛逼 níu bī
“You can you up “
If you can, just do it
你行你上啊nǐ xíng nǐ shàng a
“No can no bb”
If u can’t , and shut up!!
不行,别逼逼 bù xíng bié BB
It’s a funny way to say someone newly rich;upstart;rural rich;
vulgar tycoon
土豪 tǔ háo
Relax/calm down
淡定dàn dìng
(Embarassed character)
囧 jiǒng
纸巾 zhǐ jīn
餐巾纸 cān jīn zhǐ
虾 xiā
Get up
起床 qǐ chuáng
Hurry up! ; Quickly!
别墨叽! Bié mò ji
赶紧的! gǎn jǐn de
服务员 fú wù yuán
浪漫 làng màn
Order dishes
点菜 diǎn cài
点单 dìǎn dān
辞职 cí zhí
他妈的 tā mā de
All ok for me
都可以 dōu kě yǐ
都行 dōu xíng
It’s a funny way to say “kiss”
么么哒 me me da
医院 yī yuàn
基本 jī běn
基础 jī chǔ
没空 méi kòng
R U kidding me?
逗我呢? dòu wǒ ne
放屁 fàng pì
胡扯 hú chě