Timeline Flashcards
Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the CPSU
March 1985:
Throughout 1986:
‘Glasnost’ promoted. Restrictions removed on the media; travel restrictions for Soviet citizens relaxed.
27th Party Congress Feb-March 1986:
a new programme for the CPSU was outlined, including the introduction of “genuine democracy”. Gorbachev denounced the Brezhnev era as one of “stagnation”.
Early 1987:
Gorbachev suggests to CC of the CPSU that there should be secret ballots and multiple candidates in elections to local Soviets. In June 1987, this is trialled.
October 1987:
Boris Yeltsin attacks Gorbachev over the slow pace of reform. In November he is sacked as Moscow Party Leader
Political March 1988:
conservatives in the CPSU attack the pace of reform.
June 1988:
at the 19th Conference of the CPSU. Gorbachev proposes the formation of new Congress of People’s Deputies. The Congress will elect a ‘Supreme Soviet’ and supervise the Government. Two thirds of the deputies are to be elected in multi-candidate (NOT multi-party) elections. Candidates from the CPSU will have to compete against representatives of unions and other associations. One third of deputies will be appointed by the CPSU.
March 1989:
elections to the Congress of People’s Deputies take place. The CPSU won in 80% of contested seats but many high ranking members of the Party were defeated. Yeltsin won 89% of the vote in Moscow, standing as a ‘reformer’. After his election he formed the Intra-Regional Deputies Group which calls for the legalisation of private property and the autonomy of the Republics of the Union. This is effectively an alternative party programme – but he is still a member of the CPSU at this stage. Conservative members of the CPSU form the ‘Soyuz’ (union) group. In
March 1990:
Gorbachev appointed President of the USSR by the Congress of People’s Deputies. He abolishes Article 6 of the USSR Constitution which had guaranteed the CPSU as the only legal political party. Other parties are therefore legalised.
June 1990:
Yeltsin resigns from the CPSU.
28th Congress of the CPSU, July 1990:
Gorbachev talks of creating a ‘civil society’ in the USSR; genuine democracy, free elections, a multi-party system, human rights, etc.
August 1991
coup by CPSU hardliners against Gorbachev. Coup fails after 3 days. At the end of August, CPSU activities are banned throughout the USSR
December 1991:
Gorbachev resigns as President of the USSR and the USSR is dissolved.
ECON in 1985 and 1986.
Gorbachev talks of “acceleration” of economic development in 1985 and 1986. There is a crackdown on alcoholism and the creation of ‘superministries’ in 1985 designed to ‘streamline’ economic decision making
ECON launched in 1986
The 12th Five Year Plan was launched in 1986 – demonstrating a continuation of central planning and the command economy. However in November 1986 a Law on Individual Economic Activity did allow families and individuals to make money from small-scale work
January 1987:
economic ‘perestroika’ (reform/restructuring) is announced – e.g. joint ventures between the State and foreign companies are allowed.
June 1987,
In June 1987, the Law on State Enterprises loosened the control of the State
January 1988:
o- operative enterprises are legalised. This allows people t set up small-scale private businesses
In July 1989
the State Commission for Economic Reform recommends a move to a market-led economy. The Politburo are split on these recommendations.
October 1989:
the ‘500 Day’ programme is recommended to the Government. This calls for a full transition to a market economy in 500 Days. The Soviet Government rejected it, but the Russian Government accepts it.
April 1990:
Government subsidies for basic goods were cut. Result=price rises.
private ownership of property and businesses was legalised
April 1991:
trading of stocks and shares legalised
October 1991:
Yeltsin announces programme of complete marketization of Russian economy.
December 1986:
riots in Kazakhstan over the replacement of a Kazakh First Secretary of the CP with a Russian
November 1988:
the Nagorno-Karabakh problem between Armenia and Azerbaij
April-October 1988:
‘Popular Fronts’ are formed in the Baltic Republics of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
March 1989:
Nationalists use the March 1989 elections to campaign for independence from the USSR – e.g. in Georgia, where there are popular demonstrations in April 1989.
August 1989
Mass demonstrations for independence in the Baltic States
March 1990:
elections in the Republics see victories for non- Communist groupings.
Yeltsin elected Chair of Russian Supreme Soviet
Lithuania declares independence. Gorbachev refuses to recognise and imposes economic sanctions
May 1990:
Yeltsin says Russian laws are superior to Soviet laws.
1991 Jan
January – troops sent into Lithuania. Yeltsin asks Russian soldiers to defy orders from the Soviet Government if those orders are aimed at suppressing protest.
1991 March
Referendum on a new Union Treaty. 9 Republics vote (6 refuse to participate). Result is a 75% vote in favour of a new Union Treaty. Georgia declares independence in April. Gorbachev and Yeltsin work on a new draft Union Treaty (the Novo-Ogarevo Agreement)
1991 June
Yeltsin elected President of Russia
1991 August
Yeltsin leads resistance to the coup against Gorbachev, and after it fails suspends the CP in Russia. 5 more Republics declare independence: Belarus, Moldavia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Kirgizstan. Gorbachev grants independence to Baltic states. In September Armenia declares independence.
1991 November
Yeltsin bans the CP in Russia and rejects Gorbachev’s new Union Treaty.
NAT 1991 December
Ukraine votes to leave the USSR; then Russia, Ukraine and Belarus form the CIS
May 1989
Politics branch
May, Gorbachev is elected Chairman of the Supreme Soviet by the Congress of People’s Deputies