Time Value of Money - Calculator Section Flashcards
What is an annuity?
- simply means a cash flow
What is present value?
- refers to taking a future cash flow and comparing it apples to apples by understanding its value today
What is Discount Rate?
- They are frequently used in financial calculations. It is basically an assumption about interest rates.
“Discounted to Todays dollars”, which simply means in the absence of an interest rate.
DR are usually more conservative than interest rates
Yield or Return
- FOr the purpose of FP these terms are interchangeable. The idea is how much farther ahead is the investor after some period of time from today?
-strongly recommended you use to make calcs
Calc Functions
N = number of periods, eg 5 years = 5’ N’
- however we will typically use the xP/Y function above it rather than “N”
xP/Y = This button is a short cut for anything other than “annual”
EG: we have a time period of 5 years but the amounts are compounding monthly we would use this button… sooo this button REALLY means “time periods per year” - you would hit 5’ 2ND’ x/PY’
I/Y = interest rate, discount rate, yield or return - the rate in calc is always annual
PV = present value
PMT = Be aware of positive or negative cash flows (+|-) below #3.
CPT = top left, necessary to solve
P/Y = similar to using xP/Y and refers to periods per year - investor investing once per year would have a P/Y of 1.
C/Y = change if an investment compounds daily for example
How to switch from BEG to END mode back and forth
What is the Snowball Method?
- Assumption that we only have so much money to spend and it is wise to take the lowest owing debt first (event though it doesn’t have the highest interest rate) , get rid of it fast and then take the money you were paying on that debt and roll it together with the current payment youre making on another higher balance one
TMV Annuity Questions - BEG or END mode?
Exam Tip:Read the questions carefully, so you can recognize the “indicator words” used on the exam.
Indicator words give you clues and tell you when you need to adjust your calculator to BEG or END MODE!Indicator words:
Annuity Due, set your calculator to BGN if you read: payments on your birthday, anniversary, at the beginning of the year, on January 1st, starting today, etc.
Ordinary Annuity, set your calculator to END if you read: at the end of the year, starting next month, etc.
How do you calculate Net Cash Flows
Take all the income and minus all the expenses.
Hint: interest income counts
Hint: do not include any other savings accounts like an RRSP or LOC value, only the payment