Time series : Autoregressive Models Flashcards
What is an autoregressive model of order 1 - AR(1)?
Time series where each term may be expressed in terms of the previous term plus white noise
Give two examples of autoregressive time series and their characteristics.
- White noise (B1 = 0)
2. Random walk (B1 = 1)
How can we know if the process is stationary?
Absolute value of B1 is < 1
How can we test that the time series is white noise (B1 = 0)
Check whether the sample autocorrelations (rk) are significant.
If absolute value of rk > 2 / sqrt(T) the autocorrelations are significant and the white noise model is rejected.
What is the std error of rk?
How can you estimate the coefficients and what are their estimations?
Conditional least square (regression of yt on y(t-1)).
b1 - > r1
b0 -> ybarre ( 1 - b1)
True or false : the variance of yt is greater than the variance of the error terms?