Time Series #2 Flashcards
What are time-series models?
Models that describe the behavior of variables using their past (lagged) values as explanatory variables.
Why are time-series models useful?
- Forecasting future values
- Analyzing impacts of shocks on variables over time
What is stationarity in a time-series?
A property where the mean, variance and autocorrelation structure remain constant over time.
What is a white noise process?
A time-series with no discernible structure, zero autocorrelation, and normally distributed values.
What is the autocorrelation function (ACF)?
A function that plots the correlation of a time-series with its lagged values.
What is an autoregressive (AR) model?
A model where a variable is regressed on its lagged values.
What is an AR (p) model?
A generalization of the AR model where Yt depends on p lagged values.
What are ARMA models?
Models that combine autoregressive (AR) and moving average (MA) terms for better modeling short-term patterns.
Why is stationarity important?
- Ensures validity of OLS assumptions
- Avoids spurious results in regressions
What are indicators of stationarity?
Stable mean, variance, and autocorrelation structure without trends or seasonality.
What happens if a variable is non-stationary?
Forecasting and regression analysis may give misleading results.
What mathematical condition defines stationarity in AR models?
For AR (1), stationarity holds if -1 < AR < 1.
How can stationarity be tested?
By examining whether autocorrelations decay as lag increases.
What does a flat line in the ACF plot indicate?
No autocorrelation (white noise)
What does a slowly decaying ACF suggest?
Potential non-stationarity in the data.
What corrective actions are taken for non-stationarity data?
Differencing or detrending the data to achieve stationarity.
What are the conditions for AR (1) model stationarity?
-1 < AR < 1
How is the optimal lag length in AR (p) chosen?
By using:
1. Statistical significance of lags
2. Information criteria like AIC or SBIC
What is the difference between AIC and SBIC?
AIC prefers larger models, less penalty for complexity.
SBIC penalizes larger models more, consistent in lag selection.
What does the persistence of shocks in AR models imply?
Shocks have a decaying but long-lasting impact.