Time Domain Anaylsis Flashcards
What is the main method of processing an output form an input with a LTI DSP Processor in the time domain?
Name one of the most important properties of convolutio
sifting - this is where tyou take a function and you multiply it by a unit impulse function (possibly a series of unit impulse functions via a unit step function
unit impluse formula
sigma [n]
unit step formula
u [n]
Describe the two functions related to convolution and what they do
Unit impluse response - convolutes the input x[n] to become sig[n] and y[n] to become h[n] where the terms are nonzero. Step respone - this is the same as the unit impulse reponse accept that the sums are cumalative
Describe the difference equation
it is a non recursive and recursive recurrence formula tat describes the operation of a DSP processor in the time domain
Describe a transient wave
Transient waves appear when a system is started up ad happen naturally
why do transient waves occur
transient waves occur because of the natural frequencies of the systems that the waves are generated in themselves.
What does the word cummalative mean in convolution domain?
This is where a sum is used to add up all of the elements in a series
What does the word homogeneous mean in convolution domain?
it is whwere the auxiliary condition isnt zero, and a non zero (y[n-1]) value has been used on the difference equation to estimate the susequet output values term vy term. This mixes (or superposes) any residual transient with the response to the new input signal. represented by yh[n]
What does the word particular mean in convolution domain?
where the auzilary condition is non - the tow components are seperated of the total response, this seperation gives valuable insights into the distinction between transient and steady state response represented by yp[n]
What does the word associate mean in convolution domain?
The order of the elements to be convoluted doesnt matter
Convolution sum (Impluse)
Convoluition Graphics + explanation of x[n] h[n]
x[-1]sig[n+1] .. x[-1]h[n+1] ….
Advance difference equation
More generic difference equations
transient waves
Sum step unit reponse formula
examples of particular compoents of a signal
Describe what distributive means
a(b+c) = ab + bc