Time Flashcards
What time is it?
¿Qué hora es?
It is twelve thirty.
Son las doce y media.
It is 9:25
Son las nueve y veinticinco.
It is 3:32
son las tres y treinta y dos
The exception. Nevertheless, there is an exception. If it is only one o’clock, you will start the answer with Es la….
Es la una = it is 1:00
It is…
Son las…
Any time that is in the first half an hour of an hour you say it like 2:10 “ 2 and 10 “
son las dos y diez
it is 5:30
Son las cinco y media. ( media = half )
it is 8:50
When it is last half hour of an hour you say the hour minus… so “ Son las nueve menos diez “ which translates to “ It is 9 minus 10 “
Because when it has something to do with one you say “ Es la “ when you get something in the last half hour of 12 you say….
12:50 = es la uno menos diez
it is 6:15
son las seis y cuarto
It is 3:45
son las cuatro menos cuarto
1 to ten in a row
- Uno
- Dos
- Tres
- Cuatro
- Cinco
- Seis
- Siete
- Ocho
- Nueve
- Diez
Multiples of 10 until 100
- Diez
- Veinte
- Treinta
- Cuarenta
- Cincuenta
- Sesenta
- Setenta
- Ochenta
- Noventa
- Cien
Learn these and just say “ eg treinta y dos “ = 32
\+ is - is x is = is divide sign is
\+ is mas - is menos x is por = is son/es divide sign or when saying "divided by " = divido entre