Time Flashcards
What time is it?
dè an uair a tha e?
One o’clock
Two o’clock
dá uair
At two o’clock
aig dá uair
Three o’clock
trí uairean
Four o’clock
ceitheir uairean
Five o’clock
còig uairean
Six o’clock
sia uairean
Seven o’clock
seachd uairean
Eight o’clock
ochd uairean
Ten o’clock
deich uairean
Eleven o’clock
aon uair deug
Twelve o’clock
dá uair dheug
It is nearly two o’clock
tha e gu bhith dá uair
Look, it’s nearly four o’clock
seall, tha e gu bhith ceitheir uairean
When is the film on?
cuin a tha am film air?
When does the shop open?
Cuin a tha a’ bhùth a’ fosgladh?
Quarter to
cairteal gu
It is Quarter to two
tha e caiteal gu dhà
Half past
leth-uair an dèidh
It is half past one
tha e leth-uair an dèidh uair
Nine o’clock
naoi uairean