Time Flashcards
What time is it?
De’n uair a tha e?
It’s one o’clock
Tha e uair
It’s quarter past one
The e cairteal an dèidh uair
It’s half past one
The e leth-uair an dèidh uair
It’s quarter to two
Tha e cairteal gu dhà
It’s two o’clock
Tha e dà uair
It’s quarter past two
The e cairteal an dèidh dhà
It’s half past two
The e leth-uair an dèidh dhà
It’s quarter to three
Tha e cairteal gu trì
It’s three o’clock
Tha e trì uairean
t’s quarter past three
The e cairteal an dèidh trì
It’s half past three
The e leth-uair an dèidh trì
It’s quarter to four
Tha e cairteal gu ceithir
It’s four o’clock
Tha e ceithir uairean
It’s quarter past four
The e cairteal an dèidh ceithir
It’s half past four
The e leth-uair an dèidh ceithir
It’s quarter to five
Tha e cairteal gu còig
It’s five o’clock
Tha e còig uairean
It’s quarter past five
The e cairteal an dèidh còig
It’s half past five
The e leth-uair an dèidh còig
It’s quarter to six
Tha e cairteal gu sia
It’s six o’clock
Tha e sia uairean
It’s quarter past six
The e cairteal an dèidh sia
It’s half past six
The e leth-uair an dèidh sia
It’s quarter to seven
Tha e cairteal gu seachd
It’s seven o’clock
Tha e seachd uairean
It’s quarter past seven
The e cairteal an dèidh seachd
It’s half past seven
The e leth-uair an dèidh seachd
It’s quarter to eight
Tha e cairteal gu ochd
It’s eight o’clock
Tha e ochd uairean
It’s quarter past eight
The e cairteal an dèidh ochd
It’s half past eight
The e leth-uair an dèidh ochd
It’s quarter to nine
Tha e cairteal gu naoi
It’s nine o’clock
Tha e naoi uairean
It’s quarter past nine
The e cairteal an dèidh naoi
It’s half past nine
The e leth-uair an dèidh naoi
It’s quarter to ten
Tha e cairteal gu deich
It’s ten o’clock
Tha e deich uairean
It’s quarter past ten
The e cairteal an dèidh deich
It’s half past ten
The e leth-uair an dèidh deich
It’s quarter to eleven
Tha e cairteal gu aon deug
It’s eleven o’clock
Tha e aon uair deug
It’s quarter past eleven
The e cairteal an dèidh aon deug
It’s half past eleven
The e leth-uair an dèidh aon deug
It’s quarter to twelve
Tha e cairteal gu dhà dheug
It’s twelve o’clock
Tha e dà uair dheug
It’s quarter past twelve
The e cairteal an dèidh dhà dheug
It’s half past twelve
The e leth-uair an dèidh dhà dheug
It’s quarter to one
Tha e cairteal gu aon uair
it’s midnight
Tha e meadhan oidhche
it’s midday
Tha e meadhan là
in the morning
sa mhadainn
in the afternoon
in the evening