Time Flashcards
Crook right index and tap left watch several times.
Time (good times)
Make clockwise circle with right T on left pakm
Sunrise, Dawn, Sunset
Left arm points right palm down. Right O rises or falls behind it.
Right arm in index position pointing up arches over the left hand which is laying flat with index at right elbow
Now, Currently
Both Y hands in front drop.
Sign Now and Today
Daily, Every Day
Place right A on cheek and rub it several times
Left hands fingers at right elbow then go up a little
Same as morning just no movement.
Left hand in front palm down, right open hand rest on left pointing slightly upward
Night, Tonight, Every Night, Last Night.
Same ad afternoon, but right hand slightly curved.
All Night, Overnight
Left hand flat in front palm down at right elbow. Right hand swings under left
Place middle fingertip of right hand on left open hand and bend forward
Late, Not Yet Here
Place right hand at waist and move back and forth several times
Place right A at chin and arch it forward
Place right Y at cheek and arch backward
Forever, Everlasting, Eternal
Sign Always (circle) and Still (right Y forward)
Still, Yet
Move right Y forward palm down
Like Time but thumb and index draw circle
Minute, Second
Like Hour but move only slightly forward
Right index slides across left open palm facing left.
Next Week, Last Week
Next: sign Week and go forward
Last: sign week and circle close
Month, Monthly
Hold left index up. Right index starts at top and slides down to first knuckle of left index
Right S revolves around left S once
Next year, last year, annual
Sign Year then point forward or backward.
Recently, A little while ago, Just, Lately
Left open hand up palm right, right S with index extended points backward moving finger up and down
After a while, Later
Same as recent but right L thumb against palm index forward moves U&D
Future, By and By, Later, Someday
Right open hand palm left moves in big circle starting at high cheek
Past, Ago, Last, Previouse, Former, Used to, Was, Were
Right open hand faces back and moves over shoulder. (slower the greater)
Was - W turned to S
We’re - W turned to R
Will, Shall
Raised right arm palm toward cheek moves forward.
W at chin moves forward to D
Is, Am, Are, Be
Move index from mouth, Is - shake I Am - shake M Are - shake R Be - shake B
Again, Repeat, Often
Right hand turns from open to curved moving left until hits left sideways open palm
Make left gun, touch thumb and then index with right index.
Place right G on left G then move forward and hit again
Same as regular but with F hands.
Tip right index touches left open palm then springs back and up
Twice, Double
Same as once but with two hand.
Sometimes, occasionally, once in a while
Sign Once and repeat
Direct right index in arch to left index
Both open hands sideways in front, right before left, right jumps left.
Your Turn, Take Turns
L in front palm out twirl to palm in.
During, While
Pith hands point forward with index. Both drop and go forward.
Since, All along, Ever since, Has been, From
Right index out at right shoulder left in front it, both come to front as circle upside down so palm up in front of you
Both hands palm out in front circle in poolside directions.
Small clockwise circle with M
Small clockwise circle with T
Small clockwise circle with W
Small clockwise circle with H
Small clockwise circle with F
Small clockwise circle with S