Time Flashcards
an outside party where food is cooked on a grill
also called a cookout
dog talk
in a neighborhood, the area from street to street
-his flat is on the fifth floor of this ten-storey block
burgers and dogs
hamburgers and hot dogs
change your mind
make a different decision from your first one
driving someone nuts
going sth very annoying or being annoyed
going crazy
drop by (anytime)
go to someone’s house without an invitation
person who invites others to a party
lots of
meaning to do sth
intending or planning to do sth
next door
the apartment or house right next to yours
neighborhoods just outside the city
think sth is very important
small gardens around houses
take his time
take the necessary time; don’t rush
on time
until the cows come home
an extremely long time
وایسا تا زیر پات علف سبز شه
وقت گل نِی
waste time
spending time in an unproductive way
a boring experience that passes very slowly
-were you rushing or dragging?
-The first half of the movie was interesting but the second half dragged.
drag on
last far too long
*continue for too long
-The meeting dragged on for hours
**dragged on
rush hour
ساعت پرمشغله، ساعت شلوغی (خیابان ها و جاده ها)، وقت پررفت و آمد
a period of peak traffic, usu. in the morning and late afternoon, when many people are on their way to or from work.
if you rush something, you do it in a hurry.
*speed, haste; sudden increase in activity or speed
time’s up
no more time to complete task
once in a blue moon
very rarely
get a move on
hurry up
a very long time
in the nick of time
at the last possible time
kill time
keep busy while waiting
-TV helps people to kill time and drive off their loneliness.
-It’s a stupid way to kill time by talking.
جایی که دلقک ها نمایش اجرا می کنند
Time flies
when time passes so fast
It’s about time
now it’s time
دیگر وقتش است …
used to say strongly that you think something should happen soon or should already have happened
-It’s about time our team won.
-It’s about time we had a party.
-It’s about time you started studying if you want to pass the exam
Do at the last moment
doing sth lately
have review from the past
*reflection on the past or on past events or achievements.
For the time being
at this moment
فعلا، حالا، موقتا
*just for now; for a short time only.
being on time
best habit
خوبی، فضیلت
knowledge – wisdom
early bird person or night owl person
آدم سحرخیز یا شب زنده دار
move on
- leave
- cause someone to leave, especially because they are causing an obstruction.
- start doing something new or making progress.
- stop having romantic feelings about someone.
by the way
- You say by the way when you add something to what you are saying, especially something that you have just thought of.
- incidentally (used to introduce a topic not directly connected with what was being spoken about previously).
come over
- to visit someone’s home
- to come to a place, move from one place to another, or move towards someone
come on over
Come to, go to, travel to, move towards (my place)
You’re welcome to
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