Time Flashcards
shí jiān
clock (on wall for example)
o’clock (used like “hour”)
fēn (sounds like “fun”)
one quarter (15 mins)
yī kè
three quarters (45 mins)
sān kè
half (30 mins)
for time: early morning (6AM to 8AM)
for time: morning (8AM to 12PM)
shàng wǔ
Story: Shang recently got engaged and she had a wedding dress appointment today at one of the most elegant wedding dress stores. From a wealthy family, her maid came to her bedroom to remind her of her appointment at 10am. At 8am her told her, “SHANG, YOU have your wedding dress appointment today at 10am.” Shang thanked her since she could be quite forgetful and had asked her maid to remind her.
for time: noon (12pm)
zhōng wǔ
Story: Zong was preparing his engagement with his girlfriend so he asked one of her best friends about which ring she might like, but time passed faster than expected when sharing their thoughts. The best friend said, “ZONG, YOU forgot to meet up with your girlfriend this afternoon? Oh no, call you her soon!!” Zong quickly called her to apologize.
for time: afternoon (12PM to 6PM)
xià wǔ
Story: A British mom came to her daughter as she watched her drink tea. In a confused manner she asked her mixed Chinese-British daughter, “XIA, are YOU drinking tea in the late afternoon?”. Xia replied that yes because she missed it this morning before doing an interview for her new album.
for time: evening (6PM to 12AM)
good morning
zǎoshang hǎo
good afternoon
xiàwǔ hǎo
good evening
wǎnshàng hǎo
good night
Story: Julia and her friend, Ming, were planning to go play golf tomorrow. While calling him she asked, “MING, is meeting at TEN tomorrow okay?” He replied, “Yes! Can’t wait!”
měi tiān
next year
míng nián
明 (míng) - “Next” or “bright” (in this context, it means “next”)
年 (nián) - “Year”
this year
jīn nián
今 (jīn) - “This” or “current”
年 (nián) - “Year”
to want something/ to need/ to be going to (future action or intention)/ should
- To Want: It is used to express a desire or wish for something.
Example: 我要一杯咖啡。(Wǒ yào yī bēi kāfēi.) - “I want a cup of coffee.”
- To Need: It can also indicate necessity or requirement.
Example: 我们要更多的时间。(Wǒmen yào gèng duō de shíjiān.) - “We need more time.”
- To Be Going To/To Intend To: It can be used to indicate a future action or intention, similar to “going to” or “will” in English.
Example: 我要去上学了。(Wǒ yào qù shàngxué le.) - “I am going to school now.”
- Should/Ought To: In some contexts, it can also imply a recommendation or obligation.
Example: 你要早点休息。(Nǐ yào zǎodiǎn xiūxi.) - “You should rest earlier.”
right now
ex: (Wǒ xiànzài zài gōngzuò.) - “I am working right now”
“zài” - indicating that the action is happening right now. Similar to “-ing” in English - I am doing work right now.
what time
jǐ diǎn
几 (jǐ) - “How many”
点 (diǎn) - “O’clock” or “hour” (refers to time)
现在几点?(Xiànzài jǐ diǎn?) - “What time is it now?”
你几点上班?(Nǐ jǐ diǎn shàngbān?) - “What time do you go to work?”
just now/ a moment ago
“刚” (gāng) - “Just” or “only.”
“才” (cái) - “Now” or “just now.”