Tides & Currents Flashcards
Mean Range
4.1 to 4.6 ft
Diurnal Range
7.1 to 7.6 ft
Mixed diurnal with large daily inequalities which complicates the tides. Tide tables should be consulted.
Cape Flattery to Race Rocks
2-4 kts
varying with range of tide and influenced by stong winds
E of Race Rocks considerably less, wider
Race Rocks or Discovery velocity 6 kts or more
Flood Current
continued set towards Vancouver Island, as far east as Race Rocks.
Velocity greater on N then S.
Ebb Current
Felt most along the south shore of the straight between New Dungeness light and Crescent Bay.
Decided set S an W especially during large tides.
Dungeness Spit
Lighted bell buoy marks shoal off Dungeness spit
can be submerged during periods of high current.
Large vessels should not pass between buoy and light.
Tide Rips
around prominent points and along the banks including Constance bank.
Particularly heavy off Race Rock, Clover Pt, Staines Pt and Dungeness Spit and can be Dangerous to small vessels.