Tidak vs Bukan Flashcards
Grammar & Vocabulary
Apa bapak orang Rusia?
Are you a Russian?
Apa ibu belajar Bahasa Cina?
Are you studying the Chinese language?
Apa bapak adik laki - laki Bu Ani?
Are you Mrs. Ani’s younger brother?
Apa FSI di Rosslyn?
Is FSI in Rosslyn?
Apa ibu baca artikel tentang Timor Leste?
Did you read the article on Timor Leste?
Apa bapak akan pergi ke Jakarta tahun 2025?
Will you go to Jakarta in 2025?
Apa orang tua ibu tinggal di negara bagian Arizona?
Do you parents live in the state of Arizona?
Apa Barrack Obama presiden negara Meksiko?
Is Barrack Obama the president of Mexico?
Apa bapak suka makanan pedas?
Do you like spicy food?
Apa Jakarta ibukota negara Singapura?
Is Jakarta the capital city of Singapore?
Apa harga mobil Amerika murah?
Are prices of America cars cheap?
Apa ibu punya uang rupiah?
Do you have some Rupiahs?
Apa kita mesti tunggu dia?
Do we have to wait for him?
Apa bapak tahu orang itu?
Do you know that person?
Apa itu mobil Duta Besar Amerika Serikat?
Is that the American Ambassador’s car?