Thyroidectomy Instruments Flashcards
Cut tissue and suture material
To atraumatically manipulate the fragile lung parenchyma
Lovelace forceps
To retract delicate tissues and organs
Lahey retractor
To pull back, hold, and grasp delicate tissues
Green retractor
To provide the surgeon with a better grip
Little retractor
To isolate edges of a wound and keep down hidden tissues and organs
Cushing vein forceps
To grasp fibrous tissues
Lahey traction forceps
Cut tissues
Plastic surgery scissors
Hold and manipulate delicate tissues and dressing materials
Adson forceps
Separate edges of surgical incision
To hold or grasp heavy tissues
In cleaning external auditory meatus
Frazier tip suction
To grasp, retract, and elevate flaps of mucosa and other soft tissues
Joseph Skin Hook