Thyroid - or use oscestop? Flashcards
~~~ is this complete or use oscestop?
What is the position for a thyroid exam?
What are you looking for on general inspection (thyroid)?
Hyperactivity: agitation/anxiety/fidgety
What must be done when moving onto the hands/arms (thyroid)?
1) Inspection of Hands
- Dry skin,
- increased sweating
- Thyroid acropachy
- Palmar erythema
2) Peripheral tremor:
Arms in front & paper on back of hands (observe if paper quivers)
3) Radial pulse:
- Rate: Tachycardia, bradycardia?
- Rhythm: irregular/AF?
What must be done when moving onto the face (thyroid)?
1) Inspection face:
- dry skin, sweating, loss eyebrows (outer 1/3)
2) inspect eyes
- Exophthalmos(front/side/back)
- Lid retraction (sclera visible above iris?)
- Redness/inflammation of conjunctiva
3) Examine eyes movements:
- observe for restricted movements, or reports double vision/pain?
4) Examine for Lid lag:
- Keep head still & follow finger (high to low), observing upper eyelids lagging behind eyes
What must be done when moving onto the neck (thyroid)?
1) Inspection
- a) midline: Scars/ Skin changes (e.g. erythema)?
- b) for masses: Swallow water: observe movement (thyroid mass/thyroglossal cyst should move with swallowing but not lymph nodes)
- c) protrude tongue: thyroglossal cyst should move up (but not thyroid gland mass or lymph nodes)
2) Palpation
using middle 3 fingers
- a) general: Upper border of thyroid, cricoid cartilage, Isthmus,Thyroid lobes
- b) drink water – feel for elevation of thyroid lobes
- c) protrude tongue (thyroglossal cyst will rise)
- d) Palpate for lymphadenopathy
- e) Tracheal deviation
What must be done on percussion (thyroid)?
sternal notch –> down praecordium
What must be done on auscultation?
listen for thyroid bruit
What quick things must be done before the end of the thyroid exam?
- reflexes e.g. biceps
- Inspect for pre-tibial myxoedema
- Proximal myopathy