Thyroid gland Flashcards
What is the developmental function of the thyroid?
→ CNS and bone
What is the metabolic function of the thyroid?
→ Essential for normal metabolism of many body tissues
What are the 2 main branches that supply the thyroid?
→ Inferior thyroid artery - subclavian
→ Superior thyroid artery - carotid
What are the hormonally active thyroid cells?
→ Follicular cells
What cells secrete calcitonin and what does it do?
→ C cells
→ Reduces plasma calcium
What is thyroid hormone derived from?
→ two iodinated tyrosine molecules
What are the two forms of thyroid hormone?
→ Tri iodothyronine (T3)
- active form
- converted in target cells
- binds to receptor and exerts its effects
→ Thyroxine T4
- major form released into blood
- less active
What is reverse T3?
→ Iodinated on a different side
→ Inactive
How does iodide diffuse into the cell?
1) uptake of iodide from the circulation via Na+- I- pump on basolateral side
2) iodiode diffuses out into the colloid via a pendrin exchanger
3) At the extracellular apical membrane iodine is oxidized to iodine and bound to tyrosine
What happens to iodide at the apical membrane?
1) At the extracellular apical membrane iodine is oxidized to iodine and bound to tyrosine
(this requires thyroid peroxidase and hydrogen peroxidase)
2) T4 and T3 are formed from di or mono iodinated thyroglobulin
How are T3 and T4 brought back into the cell?
1) TSH stimulates colloid droplets with thyroid hormones within the thyroglobulin chain are taken back up into the cell via pinocytosis
How is thyroglobulin separated from T3 and T4?
→ Colloid droplets fuse with lysosomes causing hydrolysis of thyroglobulin and the release of T3 and T4
How is most of the thyroid hormone found in the circulation?
→ Bound to plasma protein
→ mainly thyroid binding globulin
What is the most abundant form of thyroid hormone?
→ T4
What is the family of thyroid hormone receptors ?
→ Nuclear receptors
What does the thyroid receptor have a higher affinity for?
→ High affinity for T3
What does the thyroid receptor activation require?
→ Dimerization
→ with another TR or a RXR
What genes are thyroid receptors encoded by?
→ TR alpha
→ TR beta
What do nuclear receptors consist of?
→ DNA binding domain
→ Hormone binding domain
→ Transcription factor binding domain
What do D2 enzymes convert?
→ T4 into T3
What do D3 enzymes do?
→ Inactivates T3 by converting it to T2 (inactive)
→ T4 into reverse T3 (inactive)
What do you need to make D enzymes?
→ Selenium
How does thyroid hormone get into cells?
→ Transporters such as MCT8
What do mutations in MCT8 gene cause?
→ Allan hernon dudley syndrome
→ Associated with psychomotor retardation
How does TH increase metabolic rate?
→ Increases number and size of mitochondria
→ Enzymes in the metabolic chain
→ Increases Na/K+/ATPase
→ Positive inotropic and chronotropic effects
→ Synergizes with sympathetic nervous system
How does TH act on the energy metabolism?
→ Antagonizes insulin signalling partially
→ Gluconeogenesis and lipolysis are stimulated
How is TH made?
→ Parvocellular neurons in hypothalamus release TRH (thyrotrophin releasing hormone) into the median eminence carried by the portal vein to the anterior pituitary
→ TRH stimulates thyrotrophs of the anterior pituitary to secrete TSH
What 2 factors stimulate the hypothalamus to produce TH?
→ Stress
→ Cold
What is an indicator of congenital hypothyroidism ?
Why is high TSH and high TRH indicative of HYPOthyroidism?
→ If thyroid isn’t producing T3 or T4
→ There is no negative feedback because more needs to be made
→ TRH and TSH concentration are high
What does lack of inhibition the equivalent of?
→ Stimulation
What is the TSH receptor ?
What are the main effects of the TSH receptor?
→ Iodide uptake
→ transcription of NIS, TG and TPO
→ Stimulates thyroid growth
→ Stimulates the uptake of colloid
What is goitre?
→ Swelling of the thyroid gland
What is euthyroid?
→ Normal function
What is primary hyperthyroidism?
→ Thyroid gland is the problem
What is secondary hyperthyroidism?
→ Problem in the pituitary
What is the diagnosis for low TRH and low TSH but high T4 and T3?
→ Primary hyperthyroidism
What is the diagnosis for high TRH & TSH but low T4 and T3?
→ Primary hypothyroidism
What is the diagnosis for low TRH, high TSH and high T4 and T3?
→ Secondary hyperthyroidism
What is Graves disease?
→ Autoimmune
→ High TH
→ Low TSH
→ Primary hyperthyroidism
What are the symptoms of Graves disease?
→ weight loss → Tachycardia → Fatigue → Goitre → Opthalmopathy
What binds to the TSH receptor?
→ antibodies stimulate the production of TSH
What is Hashimotos disease?
→ Autoimmune
→ Low TH
→ High TSH
What are symptoms of hashimotos?
→ Lethargy
→ Intolerance to cold
→ Lack of growth and development
→ Diffuse goitre