Thyroid Flashcards
Classification of Goitre
1. SIMPLE •Diffuse: Physiological, primary and secondary iodine deficiency • Colloid Goitre • MNG • Solitary Nontoxic nodule • Recurrent Nontoxic nodule • Wolff-Chaikoff effect/ Hokkaido Goitre
2. TOXIC • •Diffuse (Primary) - GRAVES’ Disease • Multinodular (Secondary) - Plummer’s disease •Toxic Nodule - solitary (Tertiary) •Recurrent toxicosis
•Benign -
ADENOMAS: follicular, hurthle cell
•Malignant -
CARCINOMAS: Papillary, Follicular, Medullary, Anaplastic
•Hashimoto’s Auto immune
•de Queverian Auto immune
•Reidel’s Thyroiditis - RARE
Bacterial (Suppurative)
Thyroid cyst, abscess
Classification of thyroid neoplasms
BENIGN : Follicular adenoma
Well diff. = Follicular and Papillary Ca.
Poorly Diff. = Anaplastic Ca.
Arising from Parafollicular cells = Medullary Ca.
Arising from Lymphatics = Non- Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
🔹Secondary (Metastasis)
Through blood from Ca. Breast, MM, RCC
Congenital Anomalies of Thyroid
** Athyreosis
- Ectopic Thyroid
- Lingual Thyroid
- Thyroglossal Cyst
- Thyroglossal fistula
- Lateral aberrant Thyroid
- Agenesis
- Dyshormonogenesis
WHO Grading of GOITRE
Grade 1 :
no visible, no palpable Goitre
Grade 2:
Palpable Goitre, not visible in normal position of neck
Grade 3:
Visible in normal position neck
Stages of Multinodular Goitre (MNG)
🔹Stage of Hyperplasia and Hypertrophy
🔹Stage of fluctuation in TSH
🔹Stage of formation of nodules (inactive)
Inter nodular tissue are ACTIVE🌟
Solitary Thyroid Nodule
A discrete lesion/ nodule within the thyroid gland that is palpably or radiologically distinct from surrounding thyroid parenchyma
CAUSES: 🔸Thyroid adenomas - Follicular *Colloid *Fetal *Embryonal *Hurthle cell/ Oxyphil or oncocytic *Hyalinising Trabecular adenoma
🔸Thyroid cyst
🔸Thyroiditis as solitary nodule
Types of Thyroidectomy
Subtotal Thyroidectomy
Partial Thyroidectomy
Near total “ “
Total “ “
Hartley Dunhill Operation
🌹Rose position:
Supine position with neck hyperextended by placing a sandbag under shoulder
With table tilt of 15^ head up to reduce venous congestion
Complications of Thyroidectomy
Hyperparathyroidism (PTH)
(temporary, permanent, Hungry bone syndrome)
Thyroid Crisis/Storm
Hypothyroisim/ Thyroid Failure/ Myxedma
🔹Nerve injuries:
External Laryngeal N. - pitch of voice lost
Recurrent Laryngeal N.
🔹Vascular complications
•Haemorrhage: Primary and reactionary
•Haematoma formation
• Compromised Tracheo-esophageal Bloodsupply
🔹Immediate Post-op
•Laryngeal Edema
•Respiratory Obstruction - Stridor
Wound Infection
Scar hypertrophy or keloid
Granuloma formation
🔹Recurrent thyrotoxicosis
Thyroid crisis/ Thyroid storm ⛈
(Rare and severe life- threatening complication of hyperthyroidism with acute hyper metabolic state induced by release of excessive thyroid hormones)
(Can be due to Sx or Mx causes)
Other causes- infection, trauma, pre-eclampsia, DKA,
Present 12-24hours after surgery
Hyperpyrexia (>41^), Severe dehydration,
Circulatory collapse, Hypotension, palpitations, tachy-cardia/pnoea, Hyperventilation, Cardiac arrhythmias, Cardiac Failure ❣
GI - vomiting, diarrhoea, Jaundice 🤮
CNS - Restlessness, irritability, delirium, tremor, convulsions and coma 🧠
Investigations: Raised T3, T4, Calcium, total counts 🔝 Suppressed TSH⬇️ ECG and Echo changes Altered LFT, ABG, electrolytes
Rehydration, tepid sponging, anti pyretics, IV DEXTROSE, correction of electrolytes, cardiac monitoring, ICU care with ventilators support
CVP, NG tube, urinary catheter
💊Anti adrenergics-
Propranolol 80mg oral or NG
IV Propranolol 1mg in 10min— 2mg in 10min
💊Thionamides- PTU 200mg 4th hourly
💊Iodide compounds- Lugol’s iodide / KI
💊Glucocorticoids (Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone)
💊Bile acid suppressants - Cholestyramine 4g 6thhourly
💊Treat the specific cause
💊Other measures: hemodialysis, plasmapheresis, exchange transfusion
BAILEY’s symptom Complex of thyroid storm
Anorexia, vomiting, diarrhoea
Aggravated toxic features
Emotional instability
Multi organ dysfunction (MOD)
🌟🌟🌟Burch-Wartofsky score:
To identify or predict the thyroid storm using different parameters
<25 Excludes storm
25-45 Impending Storm
>45 Thyroid Storm
Differential diagnosis for Thyroid Storm ☔️
Malignant hyperpyrexia
Septic shock
Anxious status
Cardiac disorders ❣