Thyroid Flashcards
Explain how T3, and 4 are made?
Iodide transported into thyroid follicular cell
Transported into thyroid colloid where it combines wiuth tyurosines (part of teh thyroglubulin molecule, also made in the thyroid follicular cells) to form DIT and MIT (iodinated tyrosines)
The thryoglubulin colloid is endocytosed back into the follicular cell. Lysosome combines with endocytosed part and cleaves of T3 and T4
Rleased into blood stream
WHere does T4 and T3 come from
T4 - thyroid gland only
T3 - 80% from peripheral tissues via enzymatic di-iodonisation of T4
How are T3, 4 transported in blood?
Mostly protein (thyroid binding glubulin, TBG) bound
- albumin does bind much
3x relevant thyroid abs?
- What are they mainly found in?
Structural test for thyroid
Function thyroid tests?
TPO (thyroid peroxidase abs)
- Autoimmune hypothyroid (hashimotos), less so graves disease
TSH receptor
- Graves disease
- ultrasound
- THy scintigraph / thy uptakle scan
What is the typical TFT pattern in sick euthyroid?
What is TFT pattern in high dose steroid use?
Sick euthyroid
- unwell pts
- Clinically euthyroid
- Low TSH
- T3,4 normal or low
High dose steroid (suppress TSH)
- Low TSH
- Normal T3,4
Pt has adrenal insuificiency and also high TSH. Replace the adrenal or thyroid first?
- pts with adrenal insuf can often have high TSH. Replacing the thyroid will solve this
Effect of medications on TSH:
- amiodarone?
- Lithium?
- Preg?
Aminodarone - TSH increased, sometimes low
Lithium - TSH high (lithium can cause hypothyroidism)
Preg - TSH low (beta HCG effect)
Common drugs affecting HPA control of thyroid? 4x examples of drug classes
Immunotherapy - CTLA 4 mostly (hypophysitis), PD1/L1 less
High dose glucocorticoids
Dopamine agonists
Somatastatin anologues
How does excess iodine affect thyroid function?
Excess can inhibit hromone synthesis (wolff-chaikoff effect)
- Lugol iodine used to prepare for thyroidectomy and prevent thyroid storm
Excess iodine can induce thyrotoxicosis (jod-basedow effect)
WHat common drugs can affect thyroid hormone synthesis or release?
- type 1 amiodarone induced thyroiditis (too much iodine, jod basedow mechanism)
Liuthium - hypothyroidism
Drugs / conditions that enhance the autoimmunity against the thyroid?
Alemtuzumab (CD 52)
Immune reconstitution syndrome (HIV)
post partum thyroiditis
Drugs causing direct thyroid damage?
Amiodarone (type 2 amiodarone induced thyroiditis)
Drugs that affect the protein binding of thyroid hormones?
Oral estrogen and SERM
- increased TBG binding leading to reduced free hormone
Androgen, glucocorticoids
- increase free hormone by reducing binding
Displacment from TBG
- phenytoin
- carbamazapine
- heparin
Thyroxine should be taken on ? an empty or full stomathc?
- Fast for 2 hours post
How does hyperthyroidism affect drug metasbnolism? some examples?
Usually increases drug metabolism
- Lower doses of warfarin are required because of accelerated turnover of clotting factors
- increased risk of statin myopathy
- Increased metabolism of antithyroid drugs (hence start very large doses for graves disease then down titrate)
Thyroid scintigtraphy: diffuse uptake bilaterally. Disease?
Thyroid scintigtraphy: nodular uptake with punched out (cold) areas?
Toxic MNG, with cold nodules as well
Thyroid scintigtraphy: no uptaske in gland?
Thyroid scintigtraphy: single hit nodule, nil significant uptake otherwise.
Single hot nodule, toxic adenoma
Thyroid scintigtraphy: pregnancy?
will have diffuse increased uptake (not as much as graves).
- this is because of the beta HCG affect witch increased thyroid function
In Molar preg where bHCG can be very high, this can result in over hyperthyroidism
Can thy USS distinguish thyroiditis and graves disease?
No, will just see increased blood flow throughout in both