thyroid Flashcards
Thryoid hormones
TRH ( stimulates pituitary) which goes to TSH.
TSH ( used for routine screening) which then tells the thyroid gland to poduce FREE T4.
t4- when levels of this increase in tells glands to stop producint tsh and trh - controls the feedback system. - acounts for most of thryoid hormone in system. usually monitor this as well.
t3 - converted from t4 - mor active form of hormone. monitor in hyperthyroid.
low tsh in hyperthryoirism so then would want to check free t4
hypothyroidism - underactive - so when that happens - pituriarty releases a lot of TSH so will be high. and t4 will be low.
caused by
- graves
- anterior pituarity
- toxic nodulators
- amioderance
heat intolerance and tachycardia
weight loss.
hyper treatment
anti thyroid drugs ( propylthiaouracil, methmazole
radioactive iodine
antithyroid drugs ( thionamides)
commonly used in younger patients
- used for 1-2 years in treating graves to prevent relapse.
mild symtoms.
radioactive iodine
- indicated for older adults, cardiac patients, moderate to severe symptoms
antithyroid agents
methimazol - preffered - not rec in pregnancy
- used in first trimester pregnancy and those who cant tolerate above med.
- not recc in kids - liver failure blaxk boc warning
blocks the synthesis of thyroxine and trii-
neither drug treats underlying issue. high relapse rates
goals of treatment to correct hypermetablic state, minimum adverse reactions, smallest incidence of hyporthyroism
any drug that produced bone marrow depression interacts - lithium, warfarin, pheno potassium, amiodarne
adjunst therapy
beta blockers
- can reduce symptoms while you wait for other drugs to work
can be congenital
iodine defiencys
pituitary or hypothalaimic failure
fatigure, cold, weight gain, constipation, dry skin, myalgia, menstural issues, hair loss, goiter, low heart rate, hypertension cool pale skin
hypothyroid treatment
thyroxine ( t4) replacement
- take on empty stomach
- not with other meds,
repeat tsh in 6 weeks
dont give aftera cute mi, or thyrotoxicosis
pregnancy risk factor a and safe ith kids
symtpoms of hyperthyroidism
monitor bone density
— bile acid sequesterants, iron salts, antacids, may decrease warfarin, digoxin beta blockers