Thw Atmosphere Flashcards
The atmosphere
The atmosphere is important to us as humans because it have our weather patterns are determined
What is the atmosphere
The atmosphere consist of a thin layer of gases which surround the earth.
What are the layers found in the atmosphere
Incoming solar radiation
Is mainly high energy short wave radiation that heats the earths surface.
Outgoing/terrestrial radiation
Is long wave ,low energy radiation
The incoming solar radiation that reaches the earths surface
Causes of the seasons
●axial parallelism
Earth orbits around the sun once every 365 1/2 days
Earth turns on its own imagery axis once in 24 hours
The earths axis is tilted 23.5° 1/2 to the plane of the ecliptic
Axial parallelism
The orientation of the earths axis is always parallel to that in any position
The spherical shaped of the earths produce uneven insulation.
Tropic of cancer
the area from the equator, which circles the Earth, to the invisible line 23° north of the equator
Tropic of capricorn
the parallel of latitude that is 23½ degrees south of the equator and is the southernmost latitude reached by the overhead sun
Plane of ecliptic
the imaginary plane containing the Earth’s orbit around the sun.
What is a equinox
an event in which a planet’s subsolar point passes through its Equator
What is a solstice
either of the two moments in the year when the Sun’s apparent path is farthest north or south from Earth’s Equator
Areas that are closer to the equator
Polar region
Areas that are further away from the equator or closer to the 90° line of latitude
Energy surplus
When there is a positive heat balance at the tropics
Energy deficit
When there is a negative heat balance at the poles
Coriolis force
An apparent force caused by the earths rotation
Intertropical convergent zone
the region that circles the Earth, near the equator, where the trade winds of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres come together.
Are lines joining places with the same atmospheric pressure
Equinox dates
●21 MARCH(northern hemisphere)
●21DECEMBER(southern hemisphere)
Equatorial low pressure
Is the type of pressure found at the equator
Solstice dates
●21 december(southern hemisphere)
●21 june(northern hemisphere)