THT Critics Flashcards
Coral Howell
“Atwood’s feminist concerns are plain
here but so too are her concerns for
basic human rights”
the monthly ‘rape’ ceremony “synthesises the institutionalised humiliation, objectification, and ownership of women in Gilead”
Carol Beran
“Offred’s power is in language”
“one of my rules was that I would not
put any events into the book that
had not already happened”
Paul Bell
“women are at the margins and exist
mainly as a source of frustration,
irritation and temptation”
“the state’s intent is to deny the bonds of private loyalty and bring about uncritical obedience to the state”
the Aunts “mouthpieces for the ideas of the patriarchal leaders of this society”
“Nick serves to release Offred”
“through her friendship with Nick she even discovers satisfaction with her life”
the novel “legitimises its sexist practices by having a biblical precedent”
“long, pleated garment with crocheted grill for the eyes”