Through the ages Flashcards
đồng hồ điện tử
a digital watch
đồng hồ cơ
an analogue watch
(adj) Happening or doing sth at the arranged or correct time, not late.
Punctual (Adj)
Ex: I’m fairly punctual = i usually arrive on time
punctuality (n)
Ex: Punctuality has never been my strong point
punctually (adv)
Ex: The meeting commence punctually at 10 a.m
Tôi luôn luôn trong tư thế vội vàng
I’m always in hurry
Tôi luôn luôn muộn học
I’m always late for class
Don’t hurry
Take your time
it took a long time
NOT: it took too long time or it took so long time
it took so long/ it took too long
to be unaware of what time it is
lose track of time
Ex: when i surf the internet i often lose track of time. Before i know it a few hours have gone by.
Doing something “on time” means meeting an appointment, or meeting a time that has been set by someone.
on time
For example:
I hardly ever get to work on time.
My flight’s on time, so I’ll meet you at the airport at 3:30.
If you don’t turn it in on time, you’ll receive a 20-point deduction.
Doing something “in time” means doing it before a deadline, or doing it before it becomes unavailable.
in time
I wanted to do some kind of study abroad program, but I didn’t get my applications done in time.
Oh no; it’s already 9:55. Are we going to be able to make it in time?
I ran for a bus, but i didn’t get there in time
what time is this?
Do you have the right time?
Before Christ
a word is used to refer to the time after Christ was born
(adv) about, approximately
sometimes written simply c
Circa (adv)
before written history
Painting originated in prehistoric times
stare (v) (n)
gaze (v) (n)
gaze upon in awe
(v) to respect a slight fear, feelings of being very impressed by sth/sb
awe and respect.
awe and wonder.