Thrombolytic Drugs and Drugs used in bleeding Flashcards
Finally the last set of drugs in drugs used to reduce clotting are the Thrombolytics (fibrinolytic) drugs. What are some features?
Ineffective against pre-existing clots
–used to lyse blood clots and restore patency of vessel
Thrombolytic agents act by converting the inactive zymogen plasminogen to the active protease plasmin
Can lead to hemorrhage to due to effect on both pathological and physiological clots
Reduce mortality of acute MI and are used in situations in which PCI (angioplasty ) is not available
Now lets talk about the various thrombolytics. First is streptokinase, how does this drug work?
Combines with plasminogen
–catalyzes the conversion of plasminogen into plasma
–catalyzes the degradation of fibrinogen, factor V and VII.
acute MI, acute PE, arterial thrombosis and occluded access shunts
The next thrombolytic is urokinase. How does this drug work?
Synthesize by the kidney
—converts plasminogen into plasmin
lysis of PE
The next three throbolytic drugs, Alteplase, Reteplase and Tenecteplase. What is their MOA?
Tissue Plasminogen Activator (t-PA)
–serine protease produced by endothelial cells
Activates plasminogen bound to fibrin in a thrombus or hemostatic plug
t-PA is fibrin selective
During therapeutic infusions of t-Pa, however, the higher concentrations of t-Pa may lead to activation of circulating plasminogen, leading to hemorrhage
Lets discuss each individual t-Pa drug. First is Alteplase, what are features of this drug?
Recombinant t-Pa
–management of acute myocardial infarction and acute ischemic stroke
given within 4.5 hours of the onset of stroke like symptoms
Second is Reteplase, what are features of this drug?
Recombinant t-Pa
–longer half life so given as a double bolus
–management of acute MI
Third is Tenecteplase, what are features of this drug?
Mutant t-Pa
–longer half life, so given as a bolus
Acute MI
Finally some clinical pharmacology. What is the prevention and treatment for a venous thrombosis?
–primary prevention reduces incidence of clots
—SC administration of low dose unfractionated heparin, LMW heparin or fondaparinux provides effective prophylaxis. Warfarin is also effective but needs to be monitored
–UFH or LMWH for the first 5-7 days with an overlap with warfarin. warfarin is then continued for 3-6 months
–prego women get heparin
What is the prevention and treatment for an arterial thrombosis?
Tx with platelet inhibiting drugs such as aspirin and clopidogrel is indicated in patients with transient ischemic attacks/strokes, or unstable angina and acute MI
In angina and MI these drugs are often used in conjunction with beta blocks and other drugs
Lastly lets touch on drugs used to treat bleeding. First are your plasminogen activation inhibitors, Aminocaproic Acid and Tranexamic Acid. What are the features of these drugs?
Inhibitors of fibrinolysis --inhibit plasminogen activation Uses: --adjunctive therapy in hemophilia and for bleeding form fibrinolytic therapy Adverse: --intravascular thrombosis
Next set of drugs for treatment of bleeding is Protamine Sulfate. What are the features of this drug?
Chemical agonist of heparin
–given IV to reverse the effects of heparin in situations of life threatening hemorrhage or great heparin excess
–active against UFH and partially reverse anticoagulant effects of LMWHs
–Inactive against Fondaparinux
Next drug for the treatment of bleeding is vitamin K. What are features of this drug?
Correct bleeding tendency or hemorrhage associated with its deficiency
–drug induced hypothrombinemia: oral and parenteral forms and effect is complete by 24 hours when treating depression of prothrombin activity by excess warfarin or vit K deficiency
–prevention of vitamin K deficiency bleeding in newborns: all babies are deficient and need vit K administered at birth
If immediate hemostasis is required, what should you give?
Fresh-frozen plasma
Finally the last drug for use in bleeding is Plasma Fractions, what are the features of this drug?
Deficiencies in plasma coagulation factors can cause bleeding
–factor VIII deficiency (classic hemophilia or hemophilia A) and factor IX deficiency (Christmas disease or hemophilia B)