Thrive Glossary Flashcards
What is Thrive Global?
Thrive Global is a leading behavior change technology company helping individuals, corporations, and communities improve their well-being and performance through our behavior change platform, storytelling, and corporate services.
We offer companies and individuals sustainable, science-based solutions to enhance both mental and physical well-being and performance, purpose, and our relationship with technology. We are committed to accelerating this culture shift around the world.
What are microsteps?
Microsteps are small, science-backed steps you can take immediately to build habits that significantly improve your life.
Tell me about the Thrive App!
The Thrive app is a behavior change coach in your pocket that will help you manage stress, improve focus, strengthen connections with others (even from afar), and improve overall well-being.
What are the six journeys within the Thrive app?
Prioritize sleep and find moments to reset and recharge
Be more thoughtful about what you eat and drink
Get creative about bringing more movement to each day
Improve financial well-being and reduce stress
Be more productive by setting boundaries and priorities
Strengthen connections with yourself and others
Tell me about the Thrive Challenge!
By joining the Thrive Challenge, you’ll build new habits in the areas that matter most to you. Start seeing immediate results on each of Thrive’s Journeys: Recharge, Food, Move, Money, Focus, and Connect.
Along the way, you’ll get support and encouragement from others taking the Challenge and see your small steps add up to something big. And don’t forget — you can win prizes!
Tell me about Reset!
Reset is one of the most popular features in our Thrive app. It allows us to course-correct and lower our stress in just 60 seconds.
Stress is inevitable. But cumulative stress is avoidable. Reset is the solution — all it takes is 60 seconds.
The neuroscience behind Reset shows that we can reduce stress in 60 to 90 seconds.
Our app comes preloaded with 60-second breathing, stretching, and gratitude Resets. But you can also create your own personal Reset with images that bring you calm and joy — your children, pets, landscapes — as well as quotes that inspire you and music you love. And a breathing bubble guides you to deeply inhale and exhale while you’re playing your Reset, activating your parasympathetic nervous system and lowering your cortisol levels.
How do Thrive Calls work?
How it works:
- Call center admin determines the initial criteria for a Thrive Calls trigger.
E.g. Customer call lasts for more than 20 minutes, operator has delivered 10 calls in a row, call is escalated, etc.
- Call center operator activity meets one of the trigger criteria.
- Operator receives 60-second Thrive Call on gratitude, stretching, or breathing.
- Thrive provides reporting on well-being improvements, on the individual and organizational level, based on our simple one-question pulse survey. Thrive can also provide reporting on operator performance and productivity with call center admin input.
Tell me about Thrive Time!
Thrive Time is based on the recognition that getting results and meeting deadlines often require putting in extra time and going the extra mile. Thrive Time means taking time off to recover and recharge immediately after you’ve met the deadline, shipped the product, or worked over the weekend. It could be a few hours, a morning, a whole day, or even more.
Taking Thrive Time isn’t a reward, it’s a responsibility. That’s why it also often comes at the suggestion of a manager, part of whose job is maintaining team performance and being vigilant in guarding against burnout. Thrive Time, or intentional recovery, is about renewing what was depleted and giving yourself the resources to show up for what’s next.
The point is that recovery isn’t separate from work; it’s an essential part of work.
What is Thrive’s Leadership Well-being Journey?
The Thrive Leadership Well-being Journey consists of three workshops over the course of three weeks. In between sessions, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their growth, practice Microsteps to build long-term sustainable behavior change, and bring key takeaways to their teams.
What six offerings are available within Thrive’s curriculum?
Thriving Mind Thriving Parenthood Thriving Performance Thriving Across Our Differences Working Families Thriving Together
Tell me about Thriving Mind!
Unlock Better Mental Health and Build Mental Resilience.
We all want to take steps that support our mental well-being. But many of us don’t know where to begin. That’s where Thriving Mind comes in. Created in partnership with Stanford Medicine, this course helps you spot the warning signs of mental health challenges so you can build mental resilience, make the changes you need, and live a happier, healthier, more productive life.
Tell me about Thriving Parenthood!
Navigate your parenthood journey with less stress and more joy.
Are you a new parent or parent-to-be? Thriving Parenthood will support you from fertility to re-integration into work so you can be your best self in every phase of this journey. You’ll meet experts and real moms and learn how to make the most of this time by prioritizing sleep, building your Mom Tribe, navigating the world of parenting advice, and much more.
And if you’re the partner, manager, or co-worker of someone on this journey, you’ll learn how to support them through their biggest challenges — and help them celebrate the most meaningful moments.
Tell me about Thriving Performance!
Secure your own oxygen mask first.
There’s a reason why airline attendants instruct us that, in the case of an emergency, we’ll be most able to help others if we secure our own oxygen masks first. That’s always true, but it’s especially relevant in challenging times. This course explores the science-backed connection between well-being and performance and offers science-backed Microsteps you can start taking immediately to build habits that significantly improve your life — and strengthen your ability to show up for others when it counts.
Tell me about Thriving Across Our Differences!
Learn how to create inclusive environments where everyone can thrive.
Becoming aware of our biases is important. But how can you shift from mere awareness to taking action? Vernā Myers, an inclusion strategist who has spent decades helping organizations eradicate barriers based on race, ethnicity, and other differences, explores the impact of our cultural lens on our daily relations, and shares concrete steps we can take to counter bias in our words and actions. At a time when these issues are at the center of our cultural conversation, this course provides the tools to create an empathetic and inclusive workplace that works for all.
Tell me about Working Families!
Closing the chore gap and creating equity in the home and at work.
The pandemic is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to redefine how we integrate work and life. This is the moment to create a more equitable and inclusive culture that enables high performing individuals, teams, and organizations.
Marketing language: Thrive Global and Hello Sunshine have joined forces to offer companies a cutting-edge work-life integration experience based on New York Times best-selling author Eve Rodsky’s book, Fair Play. Working Families unpacks the boundaries, systems, and communication necessary to help individuals navigate the unique stressors they have been experiencing and increase equity both at work and in the home.
Tell me about Thriving Together!
Building Resilience and Belonging
Thriving Together: Building Resilience and Belonging will help you strengthen your individual and collective resilience, enabling you to show up as your most agile and compassionate self, connect with others, and create experiences of belonging.