Threats to Accurate and Reliable Measurement Flashcards
What is the biggest threat to accuracy and reliability in applied behavior analysis?
Human error
What are the factors that contribute to human measurement error?
Poorly designed measurement systems, inadequate observer training, and expectations about what the data should reveal.
How can we minimize the measurement errors of measurement systems?
Simplifying the measurement system as much as possible minimizes measurement errors.
What are some variables contributing the complexity of measurement systems?
Number of individuals observed, number of behaviors recorded, duration of observation intervals.
What are some specific recommendations for reducing the complexity?
Decreasing number of individuals, behaviors observed. Increasing duration of time intervals. observer training, more frequent feedback.
What is adequate observer training?
Explicit and systematic observer training is essential for the collection of trustworthy data.
What must observers learn?
Observers must learn the definitions for each
behavior or event to be measured; a coded notation system or
icon for each event to be measured; a common set of recording
procedures; and how to correct recording errors.
How do you select observers?
having potential observers watch short
video clips of behaviors similar to what they may be asked to observe and noting their performance against a criterion.
How do we train observers to an objective standard of competency?
Require 3 consecutive sessions of at least 90% agreement with a true value, having a systematic approach for training observers.
What is observer drift?
When observers alter the way they apply a measurement system.
What can reduce observer drift?
Occasional observer retraining or booster sessions.
What are the unintended influences on observes?
Observer expectations and observer reactivity.
What is observer expectation?
The target behavior should occur at a certain level under particular conditions, or change when a change in the environment has been made.
How do you minimize measurement bias caused by observer expectations?
Using a naive observer
What is a naive observer?
a trained observer who is unaware of the
study’s purpose and/or the experimental conditions in effect
during a given phase or observation period.