Thorax And Lungs Flashcards
Progressive dyspnea with acute pulmonary edema, aggrevated when lying down, patient also shows othropnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dypnea, cough is dry and progress to pink frothy sputum(edema) / Frank hemoptysis and has a history of heart disease
- left sided HF /mitral stenosis
progressive dyspnea with chronic productive cough maybe blood streaked/bloody, aggrevated by recurrent respiratory infections and has history of smoking (or inhaled irritants from job) relived by expectoration
- chronic bronchitis
Slowly progressive dyspnea with slight cough and scant mucoid sputum patient has an alpha1 anti trypsin deficiency (or history of smoking)
Acute episodes of dyspnea separated by symptom free periods aggrevated by certain allergens/irritants, patient has wheezing and cough and tightness in the chest
Progressive dyspnea patient is weak and fatigued and less cough rest relive symptoms sometimes triggered by certain substances
- diffuse interstial lung disease
Acute dypnea with pleuritic pain, cough, sputum is blood streaked, diffusely pink or rusty, along with fever and chills
- pneumonia
Previously healthy patient with sudden onset of dyspnea and pleuritic pain and cough
- Spontaneous pneumothorax
A postoperative patient (postpartum/bed rest/HF/ fractures/hypercoagulability) has a sudden onset of dyspnea and tachypnea, pleuritic pain,Dry cough w/ hemoptysis, syncope, unilateral leg swelling (no symptom’s/ retrosternal oppressive pain)
- acute pulmonary embolism
Dyspnea is episodic and recurrent occurs in an upsetting situation patient feels light-headed, numbness, palpitations and chest pain diaphoresis
- anxiety with hyperventilation
Dry cough may become productive with hoarseness
- laryngitis
Drying hacking cough may become productive with acute febrile illness, malaise, headache
- mycoplasma and viral pneumonia
Chronic cough mucoid sputum and discharge seen in posterior pharynx associated with allergic rhinitis
- postnasal drip
Chronic cough, sputum purulent and foul smelling, maybe blood streaked with recurrent bronchopulmonary infections
- bronchiectasis
Sputum purulent and foul smelling and maybe bloody with dysphagia/ impaired consciousness
- lung abscess
Dry cough with mucoid sputum maybe blood streaked, early no symptom’s, later anorexia, weight loss, fever, night sweats
- TB