Thorax and Lungs Flashcards
Symmetry and Shape
inspect and state the shape of the thorax. Place one hand on the upper anterior portion of the partner’s chest and the other hand on the upper posterior portion of the chest and evaluate if there is presence of a barrel chest. Note any asymmetry
“Thorax symmetrical and oval in shape, no barreling noted”
Inspect and state the respiratory pattern for rate, rhythm, and effort
“Respirations with a rate of 12, rhythmic, non labored”
Retractions of Interspaces
Inspect and state if there are retractions between the interspaces on the chest during inspiration and/or expiration
“No retractions noted between interspaces”
Use of Accessory Muscles
Inspect and state if during breathing there is lifting of the shoulders or flaring of the nostrils
“No use of accessory muscles when breathing”
Ask partner if they are experiencing any pain with respirations
“Do you not any pain when breathing? No pain noted with breathing”
Presence of Cough
Ask partner if there has been a presence of a cough and to describe it
“Have you been experiencing any coughing? No presence of cough noted”
Ask partner if there has been any sputum production and to describe it
“Have you noticed any sputum production? Denies any sputum production”
Breath Sounds
Auscultate and state the findings for presence and quality of breath sounds in each lung field
“Breath sounds present and clear in all lung fields. No adventitious sounds noted”