Thorax Flashcards
19462 – In the superior mediastinum
A. the left superior intercostal vein passes forward across the arch of the aorta deep to the vagus nerve
B. the left superior intercostal vein passes forward across the arch of the aorta superficial to the phrenic nerve
C. the aortic bodies subserve respiratory reflexes via vagal fibres
D. the left subclavian artery gives its internal thoracic branch
E. the ligamentum arteriosum passes from the right pulmonary artery to the aortic arch
19108 – The superior mediastinum contains the
A. left phrenic nerve passing medial to the left vagus nerve, just above the arch of the aorta
B. left superior intercostal vein
C. whole of the superior vena cava
D. oesophagus held to the left of the midline by the aorta
E. origin of the right recurrent laryngeal nerve
23584 – The serous pericardium
1: has the phrenic nerve supplying sensation to its pareital layer
2: encloses the aorta and pulmonary trunk in separate sheaths of its visceral layer
3: has an oblique sinus behind the left atrium
4: has a transverse sinus directly behind both atria
19354 – The fibrous pericardium
A. has visceral and parietal layers
B. has no attachments to the sternum
C. encloses a part only of the superior vena cava
D. is inferiorly related to the diaphragmatic pleura
E. has none of the above properties
23079 – The fibrous pericardium
1: is attached to the sternum
2: is separated from the central tendon of diaphragm
3: is derived from the septum transversum
4: fuses with the root of the IVC
21015 – S . The inferior vena cava in the thorax has no serous pericardial covering BECAUSE R. the right atrium is directly attached to a part of the fibrous pericardium
Both false
18940 – The right atrium
A. lies anterior to the left atrium
B. receives blood from all the venae cordis minimae
C. has its left wall formed by the interventricular septum
D. has the coronary sinus opening to the right of the fossa ovalis
E. has a valve for the superior vena cava
19114 – The right atrium
A. has the atrioventricular node in the upper part of the crista terminalis
B. continues above as the auricular appendage
C. has the coronary sinus opening in the fossa ovalis
D. has the inter-atrial septum forming the left wall of the atrium
E. recovers blood from all the vena cordis minimae
22539 – Within the right atrium
1: the crista terminalis separates the true auricular appendage from the part of the atrium derived from the sinus venosus
2: the opening of the coronary sinus lies to the left of the valve of the inferior vena cava
3: the fossa ovalis lies in the inferior part of the interatrial septum
4: the AV node is in the interatrial septum above and to the left of the opening of the coronary sinus
14977 – The atrioventricular node
1: lies subendocardially within the interatrial septum
2: lies above the opening of the coronary sinus
3: is supplied with blood from the left coronary artery in 60% of individuals
4: lies above the anterior cusp of the tricuspid valve
19995 – The AV node receives blood from the
A. conus arteriosus
B. interventricular branch of the left coronary artery
C. right marginal artery
D. left marginal artery
E. by a terminal branch of the right coronary artery
19360 – In valves of the heart
A. the mitral valve has 3 cusps
B. the aortic sound is best heard at the apex
C. the interatrial and interventricular septa lie at about 45 degrees to the sagittal plane
D. the tricuspid valve has 2 large papillary muscles
E. the right coronary artery arises from the right posterior aortic sinus
21618 – Heart valves are characterized by
1: many elastic fibres in fibrous tissue covered with vascular endothelium
2: the aortic valve having left, right and anterior cusps
3: the aortic and pulmonary valves having thick cusps with a central fibrous nodule in the free edge
4: the pulmonary valve having a posterior papillary muscle and chordae tendineae
22814 – The aortic valve
1: has 2 cusps, whereas the pulmonary valve has 3 cusps
2: has an anterior cusp adjacent to which the left coronary artery arises
3: has a surface marking at the medial end of the left 3rd costal cartilage behind the sternal border
4: is best auscultated in the second right interspace
22008 – The left atrio-ventricular valve (mitral valve)
1: has an anterior (septal) cusp with a larger atrioventricular ring attachment than the posterior cusp
2: can be a tricuspid valve
3: has a small posterior cusp
4: has thicker cusps than the right atrioventricular valve
21613 – The fibrous skeleton of the heart
1: is traversed by muscle bundles
2: is traversed by specialized conducting tissue
3: lies in the coronal plane
4: gives attachment to the membranous part of the interventricular septum
20241 – S. The posterior wall of the right atrium is smooth internally BECAUSE R. the posterior wall of the right atrium develops from the right horn of the sinus venosus
Both true, R is valid explanation of S
23824 – The diaphragmatic surface of the heart consists of parts of
1: (R) atrium
2: atrioventricular groove
3: (R) ventricle
4: (L) ventricle
14153 – In the surface projection of the normal heart
1: the tricuspid valve lies beneath the fourth right costal cartilage
2: the upper border of the heart lies below and behind the manubriosternal joint
3: the ‘apex beat’ lies just medial to the midclavicular line
4: the pulmonary valve lies on the left border of the sternum opposite the third left costal cartilage
13439 – S: The size of hypertrophied cardiac muscle fibres cannot exceed a certain maximum because R:increase in the size of cardiac muscle cells is not accompanied by an increase in the number of capillaries supplying each muscle fibre and is limited by mitochondrial oxidative capacity
23314 – The right coronary artery
1: arises from the right posterior aortic sinus
2: does not have a corresponding draining vein
3: supplies the sino-atrial node in less than 10% of cases
4: gives off an anterior interventricular branch
22819 – The right coronary artery
1: arises from the right aortic sinus
2: usually supplies the sino-atrial node
3: gives off a posterior interventricular branch
4: provides the main blood supply of the conus arteriosus(infundibulum)
19989 – Which of the following statements about the right coronary artery is NOT true? It supplies
A. most of the right ventricle
B. part of the diaphragmatic surface of the left ventricle
C. about half of the interventricular septum
D. the lower part of the interatrial septum
E. the atrioventricular node in a minority of cases