Thoracolumbar Locations Flashcards
What is T9-10 known for?
Closet thoracic spinouses
What is T12 known for
May have a blade spinous
What is T7 known for?
Most inferior part of the scapula (seated)
Where is T4s transverse processes?
Across from the T3 spinous
Where are L1-5 mammillary bodies located
1 interspinous space above
What is T6 known for?
Most inferior part of the scapula(prone)
What is T1 known for?
Vertebral prominence 30-40%
Where are T11-12 spinous processes located?
1 interspinous space above
Where are T5-9 transverse processes located?
Two interspinous spaces above
Where is T10 transverse process located?
Across from the T9 spinous
What is T4 known for?
The most prominent thoracic spinous
What is T5-9 know for?
Imbricated spinouses
What is L5 known for?
Smallest lumbar spinous
What is L4 known for?
Iliac crest
L3-L4 interspinous space for males
L4-L5 interspinous space for females
Where are T1-3 transverse processes?
1 spinous interspace above
What is T3 known for?
Root of the spine of the scapula