Thoracic Spine/Rib Cage Biomechanics Flashcards
What are the three distinct regions of the thoracic spine that have specific variations?
upper thoracic = T1-T4
middle = T5-T9
lower = T10-T12
Body characteristics of thoracic spine
wedged-shaped (kyphotic curvature on sagittal plane)
increase in size from superior to inferior
inferior endplates are larger
In which direction are the thoracic body vertebrae larger?
larger AP diameter than ML (bodies)
characteristics of facets for heads of ribs
complete facets = T1 and T10-12
demifacets for the remaining
- ribs 2-9 connect in bettween vertebrae and act as a wedge to limit motion – limit motion btwn vertebral bodies
head of rib articulates at the level of the vertebral disc and connects to the above and below body with two facets
Articular processes of thoracic spine
pedicle to lamina junction (superior and inferior)
orientation affects segmental motion
more vertically aligned to 75 degrees at T6-T7
limit flexion
minimal axial rotation allowed due to how steep the facets are
lateral flexion is limited
lower thoracic limited in axial rotation
Articular processes of thoracic spine for what?
form zygapophyseal joints
in which direction do the superior facets face?
posterior and lateral – lower thoracic direction changes to medial orientation, which explains the difference in mobility in different aspects of the thoracic spine
articular processes of thoracic spine – motions allowed
limit flexion
minimal axial rotation allowed due to how steep the facets are
lateral flexion is limited
lower thoracic limited in axial rotation
T/F few limitations to axial rotation in the thoracic spine, but limitations in flexion.
palpating thoracic spine
space indicates IVD level (palpation)
Muscle attachment processess
TP and SP
transverse length decreases from T1-T12
- anterior aspect is facet for rib tubercle
spinous process muscle attachment processess
upper is more horizontally aligned
middle is post and inferior
lower is shorter and projects posteriorly
tip of process in line with body of inferior vertebrae (t2-T12)
TP’s increase in size down vertebrae. this impacts LF
ribs of thoracic cage
12 pairs and sternum
head and neck face posterior towards spine
body is anterior = costal cartilage and sternum
typical ribs
head of rib
superior/inferior facets - demifacets
extends posterior and lateral from head
tubercle of rib
located on posterior surface
single head facet rib numbers
1st, 10-12th
rib facets
T2-T9 = head of rib has 2 facets
T1, 10, 11, 12 = one facet
neck extends psot lat and meets TP
convex anterior concave posterior flat manubrium, body, ziphoid process sternal notch at T3 body at T5-T9 sternomanubrial junction = 160 degrees xiphisternal junction ossified by age 40
sternal notch
body of sternum
Joints of thoracic region (5)
- interbody joints
- zygapophyseal
- costovertebral
- costotransverse
- rib to sternum
interbody joints
btwn bodies of vertebrae
costovertebral joint
head of rib to vertebrae
costotransverse joint
tubercle of rib to TP
Interbody joints
IVD are thinnest in upper thoracic region
ratio of disc height to body height = mobility
higher ratio = more mobility
ratio is smallest at thoracic region compared to rest of spine
disc height is same anterior and posterior
FAcet joints
gliding synovial joints
supported by joint capsules which support flexion and anterior translation
supporting structures of thoracic region
tons of ligaments that limit flexion and extension
Costovertebral joint
head to demifacets and disc supported by: - joint capsule - interarticular ligaments (2) - radiate ligament
interarticular ligament (costovertebral joint)
within the joint capsule
connects head of rib to bodies of vertebrae
radiate ligament (costovertebral joint)
outside joint capsule
posterior instability
ALL and anterior disc
rib cage
multiplies by 4 the ability of the thoracic spine to sustain compressive load - structures w/in rib cage become support structure agaisnt compresive loads
costotransverse joint
the facet of the trasnverse process to the facet on the tubercle of the rib
costotransverse ligament is supported by: (4 things)
joint capsule
costotransverse ligament
lateral constotransverse ligament
posterior costotransverse ligament
costotransverse ligament is where?
at level of neck
connects neck to vertebrae
connects rib to TP above
rib hangs from TP above - this limits how much rib can drop, does not limit elevation of ribs
lateral costotransverse ligament fxn
reinforces joint capsule
posterior costotransverse ligament is the same as
costotransverse ligament (?)
anterior joints of ribs
length of cartilage increases from superior to inferior 1st rib to manubrium 2nd rib to sternomanubrial junction 3rd to 7th to body 8th to 19th to the cartilage of the 7th
thoracic spine motion is limited by: (3)
orientation of facet joints
thickness of IVD and bodies
presence of ribs
segmental mobility of thoracic spine
from superior to inferior
sagittal plane = motion increases
frontal = rom constant or increases slightly
transverse = rom decreases
orientation of thoracic facets
progressively more vertical
superior facets are posterior and lateral
thoracic facet alignment allows axial rotation
vertical alignment close to front plane results in superior translation of above vertebrae during flexion
extension = compression forces develop within facets limiting ROM
coupled motion at thoracic spine
coupling motion occurs in all motions b/c of rib cage
coupling greatest where
lateral bending and rotation
upper thoracic coupled motion
LF with ipsilateral rotation
middle and lower thoracic coupling motion
less extensive and varies in terms of ipsi/contral rotation
- depends on sagittal plane position of spine
- flexed position = side bending and rotation in the same direction
rib elevation: motion on costal cartilage and sternum
sternum = anterior and superior
costal cartilage = torsion
when sternum moves forward, torsion occurs at anterior end
rib motion as a results of thoracic spine motion
flexion = depression
extension = elevation
rotation = deforms thorax
lateral flexion = ipsilateral approximation and contralateral separatation
rib motion as a results of thoracic spine motion
ipsilateral transverse process moves posteriorly pulling the rib, increase rib curvature
contralateral transverse process moves anteriorly pushing the rib, curvature of the rib becomes shallow
function of trap and rhomboids
contralateral rotation
function of lat
ipsilateral rotation with help of pec major and anterior delt
extends lower thoracic region
flexion upper thoracic
ipsilateral flexion
deep layer =
erector spinae group = spinalis, longissimus, iliocostalis
function of deep layer of erector spinae group
bilateral trunk extension
unilateral = ipsilateral flexion and rotation
contraction of deep erector spinae group
eccentric during forward bending
contraction during return to erect position
ES = 75% slow twitch
postural support and stability role
ES group: spinalis
most medial
thoracic, cervical, capitis
ES group: longissimus
thoracic, cervical, capitis
ES group: iliocostalis
most lateral
lumbar, thoracic, cervical