Thoracic Limb Muscles Flashcards
what is the innervation and action of the trapezius (cervical and thoracic)?
accessory and dorsal spinal nerves
elevate shoulder, pull limb cranial for cervical, caudal for thoracic, dorsal flexion neck
what is the innervation and action of the rhomboideus (cervical and thoracic)?
dorsal spinal nerves
pull scapula cranial and dorsal, dorsal flexion neck
pig has capitis part too
what is the innervation and action of the lattissimus dorsi?
pull humerus caudal/dorsal, flex shoulder, draw trunk cranially
what is the innervation and action of the brachiocephalicus (occiptal and mastoid)?
accessory, axillary, and ventral branches
limb cranially, extend shoulder joint, dorsal flexion neck, extension head, incline head and neck
what is the innervation and action of the subclavius?
cranial pectoral
suspend trunk and stabilize shoulder joint
what is the innervation and action of the descending pectoral?
cranial pectoral
adduct limb, advance thorax
what is the innervation and action of the transverse pectoral?
cranial pectoral
adduct limb, tense forearm fascia
what is the innervation and action of the ascending pectoral?
caudal pectoral
adduct limb and retract, draw trunk cranially
what is the innervation and action of the omotransversarius?
pull limb cranially, extend shoulder, neck laterally and ventrally
what is the innervation and action of the serratus ventralis (cervicis and thoracis)?
accessory, C: dorsal spinal branches
suspend trunk, dorsal flexion neck, support in inspiration
what is the innervation and action of the deltoideus (scapular and acromial)?
flex and abduct shoulder
what is the innervation and action of the supraspinatus?
extend shoulder
what is the innervation and action of the infraspinatus?
abduct and rotate shoulder and extend
what is the innervation and action of the subscapularis?
adduct limb
what is the innervation and action of the teres major?
flex shoulder and adduct limb
what is the innervation and action of the teres minor?
flex shoulder and abduct limb
what is the innervation and action of the articularis humeri?
flex shoulder
what is the innervation and action of the biceps brachii?
flex elbow and extend shoulder
what is the innervation and action of the brachialis?
flex elbow
what is the innervation and action of the coracobrachialis?
adduct and flex shoulder
what is the innervation and action of the triceps brachii (long, medial, lateral)?
extend elbow and long flexes shoulder
what is the innervation and action of the anconeus?
elbow extension, avoid joint capsule being pinched
what is the innervation and action of the tensor fasciae antebrachii?
extend elbow, tense fascia and flex shoulder
what is the innervation and action of the extensor carpi radialis?
extend carpal joint, flex elbow
what is the innervation and action of the common digital extensor?
extend carpal, metacarpophalangeal, proximal and distal intercarpophalangeal joints, flex elbow
what is the innervation and action of the lateral digital extensor?
extend carpal, metacarpophalangeal, proximal and distal interphalangeal joints
what is the innervation and action of the ulnaris lateralis?
flex carpal joint, extend elbow
what is the innervation and action of the carpal oblique extensor?
extend carpal joint
what is the innervation and action of the flexor carpi radialis?
flex carpal joint, extend elbow
what is the innervation and action of the flexor carpi ulnaris (humeral and ulnar)?
flex carpal joint, humeral: extend elbow
what is the innervation and action of the deep digital flexor (ulnar, humeral, radial)?
radial and humeral: median
ulnar: ulnar
flex carpal, metacarpophalangeal, proximal and distal interphalangeal joints, humeral: extend elbow
what is the innervation and action of the superficial digital flexor (humeral and radial)?
flex carpal, metacarpophalangeal, proximal and distal interphalangeal joints, extend elbow
what are the attachments of the trapezius?
cervical: funicular part nuchal ligament
thoracic: supraspinatous ligament
spine scapula
what are the attachments of the rhomboideus?
cervical: funicular part nuchal ligament
thoracic: spinous process
medial surface cartilage scapula
what are the attachments of the lattissimus dorsi?
thoracolumbar fascia
teres major tuberosity
what are the attachments of the subclavius?
sternum and first four costal cartilages
shoulder fascia, supraspinatous fascia, cranial border scapula
what are the attachments of the deltoideus?
spine and caudal border scapula
deltoid tuberosity
what are the attachments of the supraspinatous?
supraspinatous fossa
lesser and greater tubercles humerus
what are the attachments of the infraspinatous?
infraspinatous fossa
greater tubercle humerus
what are the attachments of the subscapularis?
subscapular fossa
lesser tubercle
what are the attachments of the teres major?
caudal angle scapula
teres major tuberosity
what are the attachments of the teres minor?
caudal border distal scapula
teres minor tuberosity
what are the attachments of the articularis humeri?
proximal to glenoid cavity
neck humerus
what are the attachments of the biceps brachii?
supraglenoid tubercle
lots of places
what are the attachments of the brachialis?
neck humerus
medial radius and medial collateral ligament
what are the attachments of the coracobrachialis?
coracoid process
proximal to teres major tuberosity
what are the attachments of the tensor fasciae antebrachii?
tendon lattissimus dorsi
forearm fascia
what is the proximal attachment of all of the carpal extensors except lateral digital extensor and carpal oblique extensor?
lateral epicondyle