(Thompson et al 2017) Flashcards
Narrative family interviews found…(relationship between health problems and housing conditions)
Descriptions of ill health and impairment were implicated in constructions of housing need; participants directly attributed a range of health complaints to their housing predicaments, including stress, depression, cancer scares, panic attacks and loss of sleep.
Inadequate housing directly impacts upon health in numerous ways, including
Respiratory infections, asthma, injuries and mental health problems
People who feel that they cannot adequately control their life circumstances e especially where they have limited control over where they live or the quality of their home are at increased risk
of depression and physical illness
Overall, participants’ experiences and perceptions of social housing were far from positive.
Speakers invariably referred to how their circumstances did or did not correspond to specific aspects of ‘need’ that they perceived to hold currency within pre- vailing social housing ideology.
Recognised types of need included…
overcrowding; joblessness; extremely poor quality of current housing; having ‘nowhere else to go’ (homelessness); and health problems.
Issue of waiting…
Attempting to get out of precarious housing and into secure, reasonable quality social housing required a long term strategy of ‘waiting it out’, which was characterised by the need to endure the temporary and insecure almost indefinitely while waiting to ‘get to the top of the (housing) list’.
Her son’s ‘disabled identity’ functions as a survival strategy for the family…
A recognised medical condition can be used as a pathway into social housing by either ‘getting on’ or ‘moving up’ the (housing) waiting list.