this one Flashcards
The state of complete health and harmony between the self, God, Creation, and others
The first human created by God
The first woman. She was created when God took a rib from Adam
This is the pattern that showed up in the creation of the earth
The status given to humans by God. We were created and commissioned to be in relationship with God
Children of God
This means that we are the image bearers and Royal Eikons of God
Imago Dei
God’s commission to people is to act as priests to lead the whole world to worship
One of the trees in the Garden of Eden. It was found in the centre. It was not forbidden to eat from in the beginning, but after Adam and Eve sinned against God, he sent them out of the Garden and forbade them from eating it
Tree of Life
One of the trees in the Garden of Eden. This was the tree originally forbidden to eat from
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
Adam and Eve’s firstborn son. He was a farmer
Adam and Eve’s second born son. He was a shepherd
This is the Hebrew word for “cries out.”
He is the first to pursue polygamy. He kills a boy for harming him
The reason for the flood was these people married daughters of man and fell into sin.
Sons of God
These are the huge men that were created by sons of God marrying daughters of men
God was upset with the world for being so sinful. He sent this to cover the earth and kill all living things, other than Noah, Noah’s family, and a set of all animals
This model is found before Genesis 9. It includes God speaking, humans hearing clearly when God is speaking to them, and creation being blessed through their good works.
Shalom model
This model is found in Genesis 9 when Noah’s drunkenness shows sin after the flood. It includes God speaking, humans not hearing God when he is speaking to them, and creation being disrupted by sin and violence.
Broken model
This was built by humans to bring God down to them
City/Tower of Babel
This means that something is true theologically and historically.
Doubly true
This means that something is true theologically, but is more of a parable or poetry and not true historically
Singly true
These are people who believe that the creation story from Genesis 1:1 to 2:3 is doubly true
Young earth creationists
These are people who believe that the creation story from Genesis 1:1 to 2:3 is singly true
Old earth creationists
This is the theory that God recreated the world different times with different outcomes
Gap theory
This is the theory that God created the world in six ages, not six literal days
Day-Age Theory
There are two types of these creationists: that Adam and Eve were real, or that Adam and Eve were parable figures. Most scientists believe the latter. They also believes in the evolution of animals
Evolutionary creationists
This is a relationship where the exchange of things is done fairly. If one party does not deliver, the contract is ended
Contractual relationship
This is a relationship where both parties commit to be loyal to one another, even if things are not fair
Covenantal relationship
This is a type of covenantal relationship between a higher party and a lower party
This is a type of covenantal relationship between to relative equals
This was the promise God made to Abraham, a Suzerain-Vassal covenant.
Abrahamic covenant
This is the place that Abram and Sarai went after settling in Bethel. There, it was very dry and famine struck while they were there
This is the place to the east that Lot chooses when given the option from Abram
Sodom and Gomorrah
This is Abram’s nephew, whom he brought along with him when God told him to leave his family
This is the place Abram grew up. It is the place where all of Abram’s family was, and the place he was told to leave with Sarai
This is the place Abram settled at after giving Lot the choice of land either to the west or the east. This is the epicentre of the covenant and where Abram built an altar.
This is the high priest and king that blessed Abram with 10 percent of his riches after Abram had rescued Sodom and Gomorrah from its enemies
This is Abram’s wife. Her name means “princess”
She is Sarai’s servant. She was given to Abram to sleep with so Sarai could have a son through her (surrogate mother). She is the mother of Ishmael
This is Hagar’s son whom she had through sleeping with Abram
These two are the sons of Lot’s daughters
Ammon and Moab
When a woman’s husband dies without providing her with any sons to carry on his name and fortune, she sleeps with a close male relative until she has a son who can carry on the family.
Levirate marriage
This was the binding of Isaac when his father, Abraham, was told to use him as a sacrifice to the LORD