This Is Jody's Fawn Flashcards
What happened to Jody’s father?
A rattlesnake had bit Jody’s father.
How did the doe save Penny’s life?
When Penny, Jody’s father, was bitten by the rattlesnake, he killed the doe and used her liver and heart as folk medicine to suck out the venom. Penny’s life was therefore saved by the doe.
Why does Jody want to bring the fawn home?
Jody killed the fawn’s mother to save his father’s life. So the fawn is now an orphan. However, he afterwards felt bad and worried about the fawn that was left alone. He wants to bring the fawn to repay the debt because he is the one who orphaned the fawn.
How does Jody know that the fawn is a male?
Jody’s father explained that the spots on a male’s fawn are all in a line, whereas the spots on females are arranged randomly. This knowledge assisted him in identifying the fawn as a male.
Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. What were they?
Mill-wheel was not welcome with Jody for two reasons. The first reason was that if the fawn was dead, Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel to notice his disappointment. The second reason was that if the fawn was still alive, Jody did not want to share his joy with anyone else.
Why was Mill-wheel afraid to leave Jody alone?
Jody had never been in the woods before. Mill-wheel didn’t want to leave Jody alone because he was frightened he would get lost or bitten by a snake.
How did Jody bring the fawn back home?
Jody didn’t want to startle the deer, so he kept his distance. He gently stroked its neck before wrapping his arms around it. He then scooped it and carried it through the dense undergrowth, attempting to protect its face from the jagged vines. On his way home, he took a break and noticed the fawn following him after a short walk. After that, he would either carry the fawn or put it down and let it follow him on its own. When they got home, the fawn refused to ascend the stairs. He picked it up and took it inside the home.
Jody was filled with emotion after he found the fawn. Can you find at least three words or phrases that show how he felt?
Jody was overcome with emotions when he discovered the fawn. When he stroked the animal’s neck, he became “delirious.” He was “light-headed with excitement” when he realized it was now his fawn. Penny noticed, “the boy’s eyes were as bright as the deer’s” when he eventually brought it home.
How did the deer drink milk from the gourd?
Jody’s milk was consumed by the fawn. When Jody presented the milk to the fawn in the gourd, it butted it out of nowhere. Smelling the milk and unsure what to do with it, Jody placed his fingers in the milk and pushed them into the fawn’s soft, wet mouth, encouraging it to drink.
Why didn’t the fawn follow Jody up the stairs as he had thought it would?
The deer is an untamed creature accustomed to living in the woods. Because of the strangeness of the house, the steps, and everything, the fawn did not follow Jody up the stairs when it arrived at Jody’s house. This is comparable to how it reacted to the gourd’s milk. It was simply at a loss for what to do.
Why did Penny Baxter allow Jody to go find the fawn and raise it?
Penny let Jody go find the fawn and raise it since he thought it was ungrateful to let the fawn starve. He agreed with Jody that the doe had been slaughtered for their benefit and the fawn had been orphaned through no fault of its own. They felt a sense of obligation to the fawn and couldn’t let it die of hunger.
What did Dr. Wilson mean when he said, ‘nothing in the world ever comes quite free’?
Penny had killed the doe to save his own life. As a result of the doe’s actions, its fawn needed to be looked after and saved from starvation. Leaving it alone would be ungrateful. Dr. Wilson was correct when he stated that “nothing in the world ever comes quite free.”
How did Jody look after the fawn after he accepted the responsibility for doing this?
After accepting the responsibility of caring for the fawn, Jody treated it as if it were his child. He placed one hand on its velvety neck and encircled its body with both arms when he first found it. He covered its face from thorny vines as he carried it home, and despite his exhaustion, he carried it for most of the journey. When he got home, he gave it the milk that was supposed to go to him. When the fawn refused to drink the milk from the gourd, he fed it with his own hands. This shows that Jody handled his responsibility admirably.
How does Jody’s mother react when she hears that he is going to bring the fawn home? Why does she react this way?
When Jody’s mother heard that he was planning to bring the deer home, she was taken aback and inquired about the fawn. Jody explained that it was the fawn whose mother they had slaughtered to save his father’s life. She exclaimed and expressed her displeasure with the idea. She sadly informed him that they had run out of options and he would have to give up the milk they had given him to feed the fawn.
She reacted this way because she was not present when Penny was bitten and the doe was killed. Since she hadn’t seen the fawn, she wasn’t as concerned as Penny and Jody were. Additionally, she might have been worried about how they would manage to feed the fawn given their limited resources.