Thirteen Days Flashcards
Mom, I can’t find my shoes for school.
They’re under the couch.
爸, 幫我簽明天要用的家長同意書好嗎?
Dad, will you sign my permission slip for tomorrow?
Give it to your mother.
你媽忙到兩隻手都不夠用了。 (問肯尼)你還有時間吃鬆餅嗎?
Your mother’s arms are full. (to Kenny) You got time for pancakes?
Give us another one, Dad.
Secretary of defense.
Dean Rusk.
錯﹒ 那你得要幫我的車打蠟了。
Wrong. And you get to wax my car.
魯斯克是國務卿,笨﹒ 是羅伯﹒ 麥克納馬拉。
Rusk is state, moron. It’s Robert McNamara.
等一下。(向小肯尼說)這才不是什麼家長同意書。這是你的成績單。 (向海倫說)妳看過他的成績了嗎?
Wait a minute. (to Kenny Jr.) This isn’t a permission slip. This is your report card. (to Helen) Have you seen these grades?
Morning, Jackie.
Hi, Kenny.
Want a schedule?
不用﹒ 你為什麼把我的朋友都從名單上刪掉?
No. Why’d you cross all my people off the list?
因為妳想邀請的人都不重耍。( 他指著名單上的名字說。)這個沒有選票;這個不算金主。
‘Cause you don’t have anybody on it who means anything. (He points at names on the list.) No votes there; there’s no money.
這是派對耶,肯尼﹒ 而且我們都很清楚:你根本就不知道怎麼辦派對﹒
It’s a party, Kenny. And the one thing we both can be sure of is that you don’t know how to have a party.
對妳來說是派對,對我而言是政治。( 他拿起名單重看一遍。)那妳要請誰?說真的。
A party to you; politics to me. (He takes her list and looks at it again.) So, who do you want? For real.