Third Degree or Ceremony of Raising Flashcards


WM- Brethren, Bro is this evening a Can to be raised to the Third Degree, but it is first requisite that he give proofs of proficiency in the Second. I shall therefore proceed to put the necessary questions to Candidate.


How were you prepared to be passed to the second degree?

Can: In a manner somewhat similar to the former, save that in this Degree I was not h w, my la, b and r k were made b and my lh was s s

WM On what were you admitted?

Can The square

WM- What is a sq?

Can - An angle of. dgs, or the f p of a c.

WM What are the peculiar objects of research in this Degree?

Can Science. The hidden mysteries of Nature and

WM As it is the hope of reward that sweetens labour, where did our ancient brethren go to receive their wages?

Can Into the mc of KS T.

WM- How did they receive them?

Can Without scruple or diffidence.

WM-Why in this peculiar manner?

Can Without scruple, well knowing they were justly entitled to them, and without diffidence, from the great reliance they placed on the integrity of their employers in those days.

WM-What were the names of the two great Ps which were placed at the p…way or e of KST ?

Can on the r That on the 1 was called ……, and that

WM What are their separate and conjoint significations?

Can: The former denotes in strength, the latter to establish; and when conjoined stability, for God said, ‘In strength I will establish this Mine house to stand firm for ever.’

WM These are the usual questions; I will put others if any Brother wishes me to do so.

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WM Do you pledge your honour as a man and your fidelity as a Craftsman that you will steadily persevere through the ceremony of being raised to the sublime Degree of a MM?

Can: I do

WM Do you likewise pledge yourself that you will conceal what I shall now impart to you with the same strict caution as the other secrets in Masonry?

Can: I do

WM Then I will entrust you with a test of merit, which is a pass grip and password leading to the Degree to which you seek to be admitted.
The pass grip is given by a distinct pressure of the thumb between the second and third joints of the hand,
this p g demands a p w, which is T C.

Can repeats

WM: TC was the first artificer in metals. The import of the word is W P. You must be particularly careful to remember this word as without it you cannot gain admission into a Lodge in a superior degree. Pass T C.

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JW: WM there is a report.
WM: Bro JW inquire who wants admission.


How does he hope to obtain the privileges of the Third Degree?

IG By the help of God, the united aid of the Sq and Cs, and the benefit of a pw.

WM We acknowledge the powerful aid by which he seeks admission; do you, Bro IG, vouch that he is in possession of the p w?

IG-I do, WM.

WM-Then let him be admitted in due form.

WM: Bro Deacons

SD to Can Advance as a FC, first as an EA ensures that Can takes Sp and gives and cuts EA

WM: Let the candidate kneel while the blessing of heaven is invoked on what we are about to do.

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1st lap complete


3 knocks

WM The Brethren will take notice that Bro Creighton who has been regularly initiated into Freemasonry and passed to the Degree of a FC, is about to pass in view before them, to show that he is the Can properly prepared to be raised to the sublime Degree of a MM.

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End of 2nd lap


SW holding up Can’s rh Sp and MM P Sn

WM, I present to you Bro a Can properly prepared to be raised to the Third Degree maintains Sn and continues to hold Can’s r h.

WM Bro SW, you will direct the Ds to instruct the Can to advance to the E by the proper sps.

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WM It is but fair to inform you that a most serious trial of your fortitude and fidelity and a more solemn Obl await you. Are you prepared to meet them as you ought?

Can I am (If Can does not answer SD should whisper to him ‘Answer’).

WM- Then you will k on b ks, place b hs on the VSL (Can does so). WM ensures Can does not place h on Sq and Cs.

3 knocks

ALL rise with Sp and MM P Sn.

Ds hold wands in 1 h, cross them over head of Can, Sp and MM P Sn.

WM, to Can and say after me: Repeat your name at length, and say after me

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Obligation cont.


I, Can gives name in full in the presence of the Most High, and of this worthy and worshipful Lodge of MMs, duly constituted, regularly assembled, and properly dedicated, of my own free will and accord, do hereby -
with l h touches one or both hs of Can
and hereon
with lh touches VSL
most solemnly promise and swear that I will always hail, conceal, and never reveal any or either of the secrets or mysteries of or belonging to the Degree of a MM to anyone in the world, unless it be to him or them to whom the same may justly and lawfully belong, and not even to him or them until after due trial, strict examination, or full conviction that he or they are worthy of that confidence, or in the body of a MMs’ Lodge duly opened on the C.

I further solemnly pledge myself to adhere to the principles of the Sq and Cs, answer and obey all lawful Sns, and summonses sent to me from a MMs’ Lodge, if within the length of my c t, and plead no excuse, except sickness or the pressing emergencies of my own public or private avocations.

I further solemnly engage myself to maintain and uphold the fIve points of fellowship in act as well as in word: that my hand, given to a MM, shall be a sure pledge of brotherhood; that my feet shall travel through dangers and difficulties to unite with his in forming a column of mutual defence and support; that the posture of my daily supplications shall remind me of his wants, and dispose my heart to succour his weakness and relieve his necessities, so far as may fairly be done without detriment to myself or connections; that my breast shall be the sacred repository of his secrets when entrusted to my care murder, treason, felony, and all otheroffences contrary to the laws of God and the ordinances of the realm being at all times most especially excepted.

And finally, that I will maintain a MM’s honour and carefully preserve it as my own: I will not injure him myself, or knowingly suffer it to be done by others if in my power to prevent it, but, on the contrary, will boldly repel the slanderer of his good name, and most strictly respect the chastity of those nearest and dearest to him, in the persons of his wife, his sister and his child.

All these points I solemnly swear to observe, without evasion, equivocation reservation of any kind. or mental

So help me the Most High, and keep me steadfast in this my solemn Obl of a MM.

ALL cut P Sn to recovery and drop hand.

Ds lower wands to r h.

WM As a pledge of your fidelity, and to render this binding as a SO for so long as you shall live, you will si wy ls thrice on the VSL.

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Position of sq and cs


WM Let me once more call your attention to the position of the Sq and Cs. When you were made an EA both points were hid; in the Second Degree one was disclosed; in this the whole is exhibited implying that you are now at liberty to work with both those points in order to render the circle of your Masonic duties complete.

(Takes hand)

Rise newly obligated Master Mason

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