Third Conditional Flashcards
Se eu tivesse estudado mais, eu teria passado na prova.
If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.
Se ela tivesse me ligado mais cedo, eu teria conseguido ajudar ela.
If she had called me earlier, I would have been able to help her.
Se elas não tivessem esquecido seus passaportes, elas teriam conseguido embarcar no avião.
If they hadn’t forgotten their passports, the would have been able to board the plane
Se eles não tivessem perdido o ônibus, eles teriam chegado a tempo.
If they hadn’t missed the bus, they would have arrived on time.
Se nós tivéssemos economizado mais dinheiro, poderíamos ter ido de férias.
If we had saved more money, we could have gone on vacation.
Se ele tivesse dito a verdade, ele não teria se metido em problemas.
If he had told the truth, he wouldn’t have gotten into trouble.
Se não tivesse chovido, teríamos ido à praia.
If it hadn’t rained, we would have gone to the beach.
Se você tivesse pedido informações, você não teria se perdido.
If you had asked for directions, you wouldn’t have gotten lost.
Se eu soubesse da reunião, eu teria participado dela.
If I had known about the meeting, I would have attended it.
Se ela tivesse estudado medicina, ela poderia ter se tornado médica.
If she had studied medicine, she could have become a doctor.
Se ele não tivesse comido tanto, ele não teria se sentido mal.
If he hadn’t eaten so much, he wouldn’t have felt sick.
Se eles tivessem se preparado melhor, eles poderiam ter vencido a competição.
If they had prepared better, they might have won the competition.
Se tivéssemos saído mais cedo, não teríamos ficado presos no trânsito.
If we had left earlier, we wouldn’t have been stuck in traffic.
Se eu a tivesse visto, eu teria dito olá.
If I had seen her, I would have said hello.
Se você tivesse trabalhado mais, talvez tivesse conseguido uma promoção.
If you had worked harder, you might have gotten a promotion.