Thinking, Language And Intelligence Flashcards
The communication of information arranged according to the rules of grammar
The quality of language in which words are use as symbols for objects events or ideas
The capacity to combine words into original sentences
Infinite creativity
The quality of language that permits one to communicate information about the subject and events in another time and place
The view that language structures the way we view the world
Linguistic relativity hypothesis
crying is a child’s first use language
A single word use to express complex meaning
Young children say things like “daddy goed away” and “mommy sitted down” because they do’t understand the rule of grammars
The view that Language learning involves an interaction between environmental factors and an inborn tendency to acquire language
Psycholinguistic theory
In the psycholinguistic theory, neural “prewing” that facilitates the child’s learning of grammar
Language acquisition device
A general mental capability that involves the ability to reason, plan, solve and comprehend
A spearman symbol for general intelligence, which he believed underlay more specific abilities
Spearman symbol for specific factors, or s factors, which he believed accounted for individual abilities
According to thurstone, the basic abilities that make up intelligence examples include word fluency and numerical ability
Primary mental abilities
He constructed the three prolonged or triarchic theory of intelligence that includes analytical, creative and practical
Robert sternberg
The abilities to solve problems, compare and contrast, judge, evaluate and criticize
Analytical intelligence
The abilities to invent, discover, suppose or theorize
Creative intelligence
The abilities to adapt to the demands of ones environment and apply knowledge in practical situations
Practical intelligence
It is true that street smarts are a sign of intelligence - at least according to the views of Greek philosopher Aristotle and psychologist Robert sternberg
The ability to generate novel and useful solutions to problems
Thought process that narrows in on the single best solution to a problem
Convergent thinking
Thought process that attempts to generate multiple solutions to problems
Divergent thinking
Creative people are intelligent
The accumulated months of credit that a person earn on the Stanford Binet intelligence scale
Mental age
A ratio obtained by dividing a child’s score (or mental age)
Intelligence quotient
Two children’s can answer exactly the same items on an intelligence test correctly. Yet one child can obtain an above average in IQ, and the other can obtain below average
This scale highlights the strength and weakness of the children’s
Wechsler scale
Intelligence test measure many things other than intelligence
It was once widely believed that male were more intelligent than females because of their greater knowledge of world affairs and their skills in science and industry
Gender differences
It is the genetic influence to a person
It is the environmental influence to a person
The degree to one which the variation from one person to another can be attributed to, or explained by genetic factors
The _______ environment and styles of parenting also affect IQ scores
The program with enriched environment that enhance the IQ of children’s
He argued that our genetic codes could not possibly changed enough in half a century to account for this enormous differences
John Flynn