Things to teach Em Flashcards
What to say if someone wants the toy em/whatever em is playing with:
It is my turn now. I will give it to you when I am finished.
If someone is not being nice
You’re not being nice to me. I’m going to find someone else to play with
If someone is calling her a name.
I don’t like being called that. I want you to call me by my name.
If she’s not comfortable with something
I’m not comfortable with this
If she wants to do something myself
I can do it myself, thank you
Speak up even if your voice shakes
It’s okay to say No. You don’t need to be polite if you’re uncomfortable with something/someone. Trust your gut.
Words matter. Kind words can make someone’s day. Hurtful words can break someone’s spirit. Own your words, apologize if needed.
Don’t speak to yourself in a way you would never speak to your best friend.
Don’t dim your own light to make someone else shine.
There is nothing you could do to make me stop loving you,
You are enough