Things to remember Flashcards
Ellenbourough Park test:
1) dominant and servent tenement
2) Must accommodate the dominant tenement
3) Diversity of ownership
4) must lie in grant
Dominant and servient tenement
Two identifiable 1) benefits (Dominate) 2) servient (burdened) (Hawkins v Rutter)
Must accomodate the Dom tenement
Must benefit (value) regardless of owner, if there is a business it must value the property not the business (Hill v Tupper) there must be sufficient proximity (bailey v Stephens)
Diversity of ownership
Roe v SIddens tenant and land lord will do
Lie in grant
1) Grantor and grantee have seperate legal personalities
2) subject matter must be sufficiently clear the nature (Scenic views too vague (Aldreds case)) Extent
3) must be judicially recognisable: Parking (London and Blenheim estate) Storage Wright v Macadam
Additional factors besides ellenborough to conclude them in being easements
Must not incur expense - Carter v Cole
Must be excersisable right (Green v Ashco)
Must not amount to exclusive possession (Jackson v Malnavey) 1 car in 4 is not (Hair v Gillman)
Types of aquisition in descending order of an easement
Express Implied: Necessity Common intention Wheeldon v Burrows s62
Express Acquisition
Express Grant or reservation: Grant-> Expressly grants over the land, Reservation -> reserves right over a land being sold
must be essential, convenience is not sufficient (Manjang)
Common intention
Sold for a specific purpose
1) Intention to create easement (Wong)
2) Purpose must be sufficiently definite (woodsman)
3) No other explanation for granting easement (Pekham)
Wheeldon v Burrows
Turns quasi easments into easements Requirements:
1) Must be continious and apparent (Costagliola v English)
2) Necessary for the enjoyment of the property (wheeldon v Burrows)
3) in use at the date of the transfer (Kent v Kavanagh)
Extends wheeldon and burrows toa ll relevant rights (Wright v Macadan) Requirements:
1) conveyans of transfer of ownership
2) Diversity of ownership (Wright v Macadan)
Legal Easement
Created by Deed, Duration of a freehold ore leasehold ter registered if expressly granted (S27 2 d LRA)
Equitable easement
Benefit passed under s62 LPA Burden: Registered legal express registration required Implied overriding interest sch 3 s 3 LRA Equitable: 3 2 LRA Unregistered: Legal automaticall binding Equitable class d iii s 198 LPA