Things to know Flashcards
On March 1, 20x1, Fine Co. borrowed $10,000 and signed a 2-year note bearing interest at 12% per annum compounded annually. Interest is payable in full at maturity on February 28,20x3. What amount should Fine report as a liability for accrued interest at December 31, 20x2?
未払利息(accrued interest payable)を計算させる問題。
20x2年12月31日における未払利息(accrued interest payable)とは、20x2年12月31日までに発生した利息であるが同日までに未払いのものをいう。この手形は、20x1年3月1日に発行され、20x3年2月28日の満期日に、利息は一括して払うことになっている。従って20x2年12月
1年目の利息は、$1,200(=$10,000 x 12%)である。年毎に複利計算(compounded annually)されるのであるから、2年目の利息計算をする際の新元本は、当初元本$10,000プラス1年目に対する利息$1,200の合計額$11,200となる。20x2年12月31日までの10ヶ月分の未払利息は、
$1,120(=$11,200 x 12% x 10/12)
である。20x2年12月31日における未払利息は、$1,200 + $1,120 =$2,320 となる。
Cali, Inc. had a $4,000,000 note payable due on March 15, 20x2. On January 28, 20x2, before the issuance of its 20x1 financial statements, Cali issued longterm bonds in the amount of $4,500,000. Proceeds from the bonds were used to repay the note when it came due. How should Cali classify the note in its December 31, 20x1 financial statements?
As a noncurrent liability, with separate disclosure of the note refinancing.
ASC 470によると、債務を長期に借換えする意思と能力があれば(intends to refinance the obligation on a long-term basis and the intent is supported by ability to refinance)、短期債務から長期債務への区分変更が認められている。本問の場合、Cali社は実際に社債を発行し、20x1年の財務諸表を発行する前に借換えして、その能力を示した。社債からの手取金は手形を償却するのに必要な額を上回っているため、手形金額の$4,000,000 の全額は、20x1年12月31日の財務諸表において、ASC 470で要求されている手形借換の開示(短期から長期への変更についての開示)とともに、長期債務として報告される。
A retail store received cash and issued gift certificates that are redeemable in merchandise. The gift certificates lapse 1 year after they are issued. How would the deferred revenue account be affected by each of the following transactions?
In both cases, the deferred revenue account decrease. 商品券の交換時には、繰延収益(deferred revenue)として計上された受取義務は果たされ、収益が計上される。同様に、商品券が期限切れ(expired)になった時も、店の商品券の受取義務はなくなって繰延収益が収益となる。どちらの場合でも、収益の獲得を反映させるために繰延収益勘定が減額(借方記入)される。
Dunne Co. sells equipment service contracts that cover a two-year period. The sales price of each contract is $600. Dunne’s past experience is that, of the total dollars spent for repairs on service contracts, 40% is incurred evenly during the first contract year and 60% evenly during the second contract year.
Dunne sold 1,000 contracts evenly throughout 20x1. In its December 31, 20x1, balance sheet, what amount should Dunne report as deferred service contract revenue?
繰延収益(deferred revenue)を計算させる問題。
契約(contract)は20x1年に均等(evenly)に結ばれたのであるから、最も単純化して考えれば全1,000契約が20x1年7月1日に結ばれたと考えてもよいはずである。そして1年目に40%、2年目に60%のサービスが均等(evenly)に提供されたということは20x1年7月1日より12月31日に20%、20x2年1月1日より6月30日に20%、20x2年7月1日より12月31日に30%、20x3年1月1日より6月30日に30%の収益が認識される。従って20x1年12月31日時点で繰延収益(deferred revenue)は販売価格(sales price)$600,000の80%である$480,000である。
Clay Company started construction of a new office building on January 1, 20x1, and moved into the finished building on July 1, 20x2. Of the building’s $2,500,000 total cost, $2,000,000 was incurred in 20x1 evenly throughout the year. Clay’s incremental borrowing rate was 12% throughout 20x1, and the total amount of interest incurred by Clay during 20x1 was $102,000. What amount should Clay report as capitalized interest at December 31, 20x1?
資産計上すべき利子コスト(interest costs)を計算させる問題。
資産計上される利子は、回避可能利子(avoidable interest)と実際の発生利子(actual interest)の小さい方である。回避可能利子は支出累計を加重平均した額に利子率を乗じて求める。$2,000,000が年間を通じて平均的に支出されたので、支出累計の平均額は$1,000,000(=$2,000,000÷2)となり、回避可能利子は$120,000(=$1,000,000×12%)となる(支出は年間を通じて均等に発生したので、計算上は1年間の中間地点である7月1日に支払が発生したと考えて、総支出額の1/2とする)。実際の利子($102,000)はこれよりも小さいので、実際の利子が資産計上される。
Yola Co. and Zaro Co. are fuel oil distributors. To facilitate the delivery of oil to their customers, Yola and Zaro exchanged ownership of 1,200 barrels of oil without physically moving the oil. Yola paid Zaro $30,000 to compensate for a difference in the grade of oil. On the date of the exchange, cost and market values of the oil were as follows:
Yola Co. Zaro Co. Cost $100,000 $126,000 Market values 120,000 150,000
In Zaro’s income statement, what amount of gain should be reported from theexchange of the oil?
{交換差金÷(交換差金+受取資産の公正価値)}×利得総額 = 認識利得 まず利得総額を求める。 利得総額 = 総受取資産ー引渡資産簿価=(120,000+30,000)-126,000= 24,000 よって認識利得は以下のように$4,800となる。 {30,000÷(120,000+30,000)}×24,000=$4,800
On July 1, 20x1, one of Rudd Co.’s delivery vans was destroyed in an accident.
On that date, the van’s carrying value was $2,500. On July 15, 20x1, Rudd received and recorded a $700 invoice for a new engine installed in the van in May 20x1, and another $500 invoice for various repairs. In August, Rudd received $3,500 under its insurance policy on the van, which it plans to use to replace the van. What amount should Rudd report as gain (loss) on disposal of the van in its 20x1 income statement?
資産の強制転換(involuntary conversion)による利得/損失を計算させる問題。
非貨幣性資産(nonmonetary assets)が強制的に貨幣性資産(monetary assets)に転換された場合には、会社がその貨幣性資産を非貨幣性資産への再投資に充てても損益を認識する。問題の損益は、保険の受取額($3,500)と事故にあったトラックの簿価との差額であるが、$2,500には資本的支出(capital expenditure)である($700)を加えなければならない。
問題のトラックのエンジンのように、資産の主要部分を交換した場合には、帳簿上の古い主要部分額を消去(損失も計上)して新しい主要部分を計上するのが望ましいが、問題のように古い主要部分の簿価がわからない場合には、新しい主要部分の原価($700)を減価償却累計額(accumulated depreciation)から減額(debit)する。この処理により、トラックの簿価は$3,200(=$2,500+$700)に増加し、保険の受取額との差額$300(=$3,500-$3,200)が利得(gain)となる。
On January 1, 20x1, an entity acquires for $100,000 a new piece of machinery with an estimated useful life of 10 years. The machine has a drum that must be replaced every five years and costs $20,000 to replace. Continued operation of the machine requires an inspection every four years after purchase; the inspection cost is $8,000. The company uses the straight-line method of depreciation. Under IFRS, what is the depreciation expense for 20x1?
IFRSに従って、減価償却費(depreciation expense)を計算させる問題。
計算のプロセスは以下の通り。 機械全体の原価(acquisition costs) $100,000 - 交換を要するドラム部分(costs of replacement of the drum) $20,000 - 要点検相当分(inspection costs) $8,000 10年の耐用年数を有する部分 $72,000
当期の減価償却費は以下のように計算される。 機械本体: $72,000÷10年= $7,200 ドラム部分: $20,000÷5年= $4,000 点検費用: $8,000÷4年= $2,000 合計 $13,200
Finch Co. reported a total asset retirement obligation of $257,000 in last year’s financial statements. This year, Finch acquired assets subject to unconditional retirement obligations measured at undiscounted cash flow estimates of $110,000 and discounted cash flow estimates of $68,000. Finch paid $87,000 toward the settlement of previously recorded asset retirement obligations and recorded an accretion expense of $26,000. What amount should Finch report for the asset retirement obligation in this year’s balance sheet?
資産除去債務(asset retirement obligation)の計上金額を計算させる問題。
資産除去債務とは「固定資産の取得、建設又は通常の操業から生じる有形固定資産の除去に関連する法的債務(legal obligation associated with the retirement of a tangible long lived asset)」である。資産除去債務は負債として発生した期間に公正価値で計上される。そして、資産除去債務は、見積りの改訂及び時間の経過により調整される。本問において資産除去債務の期首残高は$257,000である。期中にFinch社は無条件の除去義務のある資産を取得することにより、資産除去債務は$68,000増加した。
さらに、時間の経過により増価費用(accretion expense)が発生し、資産除去債務は$26,000増加した。よって、貸借対照表に計上する資産除去債務は$264,000($257,000+$68,000-$87,000+$26,000)となる。
Under IFRS, an entity that acquires an intangible asset may use the revaluation model for subsequent measurement only if
An active market exists for the intangible asset.
On December 31, 20x1, Bit Co. had capitalized costs for a new computer software product with an economic life of 5 years. Sales for 20x2 were 30% of expected total sales of the software. At December 31, 20x2, the software had a net realizable value equal to 90% of the capitalized cost. What percentage of the original capitalized cost should be reported as the net amount on Bit’s December 31, 20x2 balance sheet?
ソフトウェア・コストの未償却額(期末の資産計上額(capitalized cost))の割合を計算させる問題。
1) 予想総売上に対する当期売上の割合
2) 1÷製品の経済的耐用年数
は30%となる。20x2年期末の未償却残高(70%)は、正味実現可能価額(net realizable value) (90%)を下回っているため、20x2/12/31の貸借対照表におけるソフトウェア・コストの未償却額は当初の資産計上額の70%(=100%-30%)となる
On January 1, 20x1, Parke Company borrowed $360,000 from a major customer evidenced by a noninterest-bearing note due in 3 years. Parke agreed to supply the customer’s inventory needs for the loan period at lower than market price.
At the 12% imputed interest rate for this type of loan, the present value of the note is $255,000 at January 1, 20x1. What amount of interest expense should be included in Parke’s 20x1 income statement?
明示されていない権利が伴う場合の支払手形(note payable)の支払利息(interest expense)を計算させる問題。
現金貸借に「明示されていない権利(unstated right of privilege)」を伴う場合である。 Parke社は顧客に対して、市価より安く売るという条件と引換に3年間利息なしの長期支払手 形(non-interest-bearing note) を発行し、資金調達を行った。この状況下でParke社が行 う仕訳は以下の通り。
① (Dr.) Cash 255,000
Discount on notes payable 105,000
(Cr.)Notes payable 360,000
② (Dr.) Cash 105,000
(Cr.) Deferred sales revenue 105,000
20x1年の支払利息(interest expense)は手形(note)の簿価(book value)$255,000 (=$360,000-$105,000)に帰属利子率(imputed interest rate)を乗じた金額である。
$255,000 ($360,000-$105,000)×12%=$30,600
Rex Company accepted a $10,000, 2% interest-bearing note from Brooks Company on December 31, 20x1, in exchange for a machine with a list price of $8,000 and a cash price of $7,500. The note is payable on December 31, 20x3. In its 20x1 income statement, Rex should report the sale at
財貨(goods)と交換した手形(note)の表面利率(stated interest rate)は、以下の場合を除いては公正(fair)であると判断される (APB 21)。
1) 金利が明示されていない。(Interest rate is not stated.)
2) 表面利率が合理的でない。(Stated rate is unreasonable.)
3) 手形の額面(face value)が財貨の時価(fair value)と著しく異なる(materially different)。
$10,000 の手形額面(face value)は、$7,500の財貨に対する現金支払価格(cash price of the property)と著しく異なる(materially different)。
(Dr.) Notes receivable 10,000
(Cr.) Sales 7,500
Discount on notes receivable 2,500
The Purslane Company provides service contracts to customers for maintenance of their ventilation systems. On 1 October 20x1, it agrees a four-year contract with a major customer for $169,000.
Costs over the period of the contract are reliably estimated at $56,333.
Under IFRS, how much revenue should the company recognise in the statement of comprehensive income in the year ended 31 December 20x1?
$169,000 x 3ヶ月 / 48ヶ月 = $10,563
Able Co. factored $500,000 of accounts receivable to Baker Co. on October 1, 20x1. Control was surrendered by Able. Baker accepted the receivables subject to recourse for nonpayment. Baker assessed a fee of 2% and retains a holdback equal to 5% of the accounts receivable. In addition, Baker charged 12% interest computed on a weighted-average time to maturity of the receivables of 42 days.
The fair value of the recourse obligation is $8,000. Able will receive and record cash of
債権の売却(sale of receivables)でリコース義務(recourse obligation)がある場合の受取金額(cash)を計算させる問題。
Able社はリコース義務(recourse obligation)付で売掛金を売却したため、以下の仕訳を切る。
(Dr.)Cash 458,096
Factor’s holdback(留保分) 25,000 ($500,000×5%)
(1)Factoring fee(手数料) 10,000 ($500,000×2%)
(2)Interest expense(利息) 6,904 ($500,000×12%×42/365)
(3)Loss on sale of receivable 8,000
(Cr.)Accounts receivable 500,000
Recourse obligation 8,000
なお(1),(2), (3)をまとめてLoss on sale of receivableとしてもよい。
In accordance with GASB 34, Basic Financial Statements–and Management’s Discussion and Analysis– for State and Local Governments, which of the following statements is correct about the information reported on the statement of net assets for the proprietary funds?
I. Assets and liabilities are classified into current and noncurrent classifications.
II.All activities of internal service funds are aggregated and reported in a single column.
Both 1 and 2
企業会計区分(proprietary funds)正味資産計算書(statement of net assets)の表示に関する問題。
企業会計区分(proprietary funds)が作成する正味資産計算書(statement of net assets)では、資産と負債は、流動・非流動に分類され、内部サービスファンド(internal service funds)の活動は合算して1つの項目で表示される。
The following transactions were among those reported by Corfe City’s
electric utility enterprise fund for 20x1:
Capital contributed by subdividers $ 900,000
Cash received from customer households 2,700,000
Proceeds from sale of revenue bonds 4,500,000
In the electric utility enterprise fund’s statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 20x1, what amount should be reported as cash flows from capital and related financing activities?
資本拠出(capital contributions)と特別財源債の発行による受取額(proceeds from revenue bonds)は、資本投資及びこれに関連する財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー(cash flows from capital and related financing activities)に分類され、顧客世帯からの現金受取額(cash received from customer households)は営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー(cash flows from operating
For the budgetary year ending December 31, 20x1, Maple City’s general
fund expects the following inflows of resources:
Property taxes, licenses, and fines $9,000,000
Proceeds of debt issue 5,000,000
Interfund transfers for debt service 1,000,000
In the budgetary entry, what amount should Maple record for estimated revenues?
一般ファンド(general fund)にとっての収入(revenues)とは、ファンド間移転(inter-fund transfers)や債券発行による受取額のようなその他の資金流入(other financing sources)以外のファンド残高の財務資源の増加をいう。従って、歳入予算額(estimated revenues)$9,000,000、他の2つの項目の合計額$6,000,000は「その他の資金流入予算額」(estimated other financing sources)である。
Ridge Township’s governing body adopted its general fund budget for the year ended July 31, 20x1, comprised of Estimated Revenues of $100,000 and Appropriations of $80,000. Ridge formally integrates its budget into the accounting records.
To record the appropriations of $80,000, Ridge should
(Dr.) Estimated revenues 100,000
(Cr.) Appropriations 80,000
Budgetary fund balance 20,000
During its fiscal year ended June 30, 20x1, Cliff City issued purchase orders totaling $5,000,000, which were properly charged to Encumbrances at that time. Cliff received goods and related invoices at the encumbered amounts totaling $4,500,000 before year-end. The remaining goods of $500,000 were not received until after year-end. Cliff paid $4,200,000 of the invoices received during the year. What amount of Cliff’s encumbrances were outstanding at June 30, 20x1?
Cliff市が注文書を承認し発行するときに、その注文金額が当年度発注残統制勘定(encumbrances control account)に計上される。
(Dr.) Encumbrances 5,000,000
(Cr.)Budgetary fund balance
- reserved for encumbrances 5,000,000
そして商品を受領した時点で、受領した商品に関係する注文金額(この問題では当初に計上された$4,500,000)が当年度発注残統制勘定(encumbrances control account)から取り除かれる。
(Dr.) Budgetary fund balance
- reserved for encumbrances 4,500,000
(Cr.) Encumbrances 4,500,000
従って、年度末における当年度発注残(encumbrances)の金額は$500,000となる。答えはC。また、実際の請求額は当年度発注残統制勘定(encumbrances control account)から取り除かれる金額ではなく、支出(expenditures)として計上される。
(Dr.) Expenditures 4,200,000
(Cr.)Vouchers payable 4,200,000
In accordance with GASB 33, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Non-exchange Transactions, which of the following revenues results from taxes assessed by a government on exchange transactions?
Sales taxes.
GASB 33において、交換取引(exchange transactions)に対して課すことによる収入となるのは、交換性取引から派生して得られる税収(derived tax revenues)に分類されるものである。これには、売上税(sales taxes)、所得税(income taxes)、ガソリン税(motor fuel taxes)等が含まれる。
財産税は、賦課による非交換性収入(imposed nonexchange revenues)の例である。
使途制限のない寄付は、任意の非交換性取引(voluntary nonexchange transactions)の例である。
How should a gain from the sale of used equipment for cash be reported in a statement of cash flows using the indirect method?
In operating activities as a deduction from income.
間接法(indirect method)によるキャッシュ・フロー計算書の営業活動(operating activities)の表示では、主な項目は以下のように処理される。
①資産項目(売掛金; accounts receivable 、棚卸資産; inventory、前払費用; prepaid expense 等)の増加は、当期純利益(net income)から差引き、減少は当期純利益に加える。
②負債項目(買掛金; accounts payable 、未払費用; accrued expense 等)の増加は純利益に加え、減少は純利益から差引く。
③固定資産の売却損益(gain or loss from sale of property, plant, and equipment)のうち、売却益は当期純利益から差引き、売却損は当期利益に加える。
Expenditures of a governmental unit for insurance extending over more than one accounting period
May be allocated between or among accounting periods or may be accounted for as expenditures of the period of acquisition.
During the year, a city’s electric utility, which is operated as an enterprise fund, rendered billings for electricity supplied to the general fund. Which of the following accounts should be debited by the general fund?
Curry adopted the provisions of GASB 34, Basic Financial Statements–and Management’s Discussion and Analysis– for State and Local Governments,, for its financial statements issued for the year ended December 31, 20x1. During the year ended December 31, 20x1, Curry had the following selected transactions:
・The general fund made a $150,000 advance to an internal service fund. The internal service fund will repay the advance in 20x4.
・The water utility enterprise fund billed the general fund $30,000 for water usage.
・The general fund transferred $35,000 to a debt service fund to pay interest on general obligation bonds.
On Curry’s government-wide statement of activities for the year ended December 31, 20x1, what amount should be reported for transfers?
What is the revenue / other financing source in Capital Fund?
Revenue –> Grants
Other financing source –> Proceeds, Transfer-in
How underwrite’s fee and debt issue cost recorded in Governmental fund and Business accounting?
Governmental fund –> expenditure
Business accounting –> bond issue cost is deducted from bonds payable
政府会計区分(governmental funds)は修正発生主義を用い、流動財務資源が測定焦点(measurement focus)であり、経営成績である利益(income)の概念自体そもそも存在し得ないため、債券発行費償却(amortization of bond issue costs)や保険費用(insurance)の繰延(defer)は行われない。
Wood City, which is legally obligated to maintain a debt service fund, issued the following general obligation bonds on July 1, 20x1: Term of bonds 10 years Face amount $1,000,000 Issue price 101 Stated interest rate 6%
Interest is payable January 1 and July 1. What amount of bond premium should be amortized in Wood’s debt service fund for the year ended December 31, 20x1?
No amortization for debt service fund.
Fish Road property owners in Sea County are responsible for special assessment debt that arose from a storm sewer project. If the property owners default, Sea has no obligation regarding debt service, although it does bill property owners for assessment and uses the monies it collects to pay debt holders. What fund type should Sea use to account for these collection and servicing activities?
Custodial funds.
特別賦課金(special assessments)の徴収業務は、政府がその活動に対して何ら債務を負わない場合に限り、仮受保管ファンド(custodial fund)で処理される。なぜならばその場合、政府は単に、課税財産所有者等の代理人として機能することに限定されているからである
Valley City adopted the provisions of GASB 34,Basic Financial Statements–and Management’s Discussion and Analysis–for State and Local Governments, for its financial statements issued for 20x1. As of December 31, 20x1, the city compiled the information below for its capital assets, exclusive of infrastructure assets.
Cost of capital assets financed with general obligation debt and tax revenues $4,200,000
Accumulated depreciation on the capital assets 950,000
Outstanding debt related to the capital assets 1,350,000
1) On the government-wide statement of net assets at December 31, 20x1, under the governmental activities column, what amount should be reported for capital assets?
2) what amount should be reported in the net assets section at which of the following amounts?
1) $3,250,000
Asset - depreciation
2) $1,900,000
政府全体正味資産計算書の正味資産の部において、資本資産(capital assets)の純額(取得原価-減価償却累計額)から関連する負債残高(outstanding debt related to capital assets)を差引いて計上することを求めている。
On December 31, 20x1, Mega Company entered into a debt restructuring agreement with Seda Company, which was experiencing financial difficulties. Mega restructured a $100,000 note receivable as follows:
・ Reduced the principal obligation to $70,000.
・ Forgave $ 12,000 of accrued interest.
・ Extended the maturity date from December 31, 20x1 to December 31, 20x3.
・ Reduced the interest rate from 12% to 8%. Interest was payable annually on December 31, 20x2 and 20x3.
Present value factors: Single sum, 2 years @ 8% .85734 Single sum, 2 years @ 12% .79719 Ordinary annuity, 2 years @ 8% 1.78326 Ordinary annuity, 2 years @ 12% 1.69005
In accordance with the agreement, Seda made payments to Mega on December 31, 20x2 and 20x3. How much interest income should Mega report for the year ended December 31, 20x3?
返済条件の修正(modification of terms)における受取利息(interest income)を計算させる問題。
ASC 310の下では、債権者(creditor)側の処理の際、将来のキャッシュフローを現在価値で考えることが必要である。また、現在価値の割引率は、元々の(original)約定利率つまり、本問では12%を使うことも必ず覚えておかなければならないことである。
① 20x1年12月31日時点での将来のキャッシュ・フローの現在価値 = $65,267
② 20x2年12月31日の利息収入($65,267×12%) =$7,832
③ 20x2年12月31日の利息受取額($70,000×8%) =$5,600
④ ②-③貸付金の簿価の増加分 = 2,232
⑤ ①+④20x2年12月31日時点の現在価値 = 67,499
尚、修正前の利率(12%)を使用するのは、返済条件修正時にこの金額もbad debt expenseとして認識するためである。修正後の利率(8%)を使用すると、修正後の元本($70,000)がそのまま帳簿価額になるので、元本の減額($30,000)と未払金利の免除($12,000)しか認識されない。利率を下げたことによって生じる、将来受け取る金利の減少額の現在価値は以下のようになる。
〈債権の一部を免除した時の仕訳〉 Dr.)Bad debt expense 46,732 (Cr.)Loan receivable 30,000 Interest receivable 12,000 Valuation allowance 4,732 〈20x2年の金利受領の仕訳〉 (Dr.)Cash 5,600 Valuation allowance 2,232 (差額(plug)で求める) (Cr.)Interest revenue 7,832 〈20x3年の金利受領の仕訳〉 (Dr.)Cash 5,600 Valuation allowance 2,500 (差額(plug)で求める) (Cr.)Interest revenue 8,100 受取り金額は額面$70,000×8%=$5,600 受取利息は$67,499×12%=$8,100 よって、問われている20x3年のMega社の受取利息は$8,100になる。
Grum Corp., a publicly owned corporation, is subject to the requirements for segment reporting. In its income statement for the year ended December 31, 20x1, Grum reported revenues of $50,000,000, operating expenses of $47,000,000, and net income of $3,000,000. Operating expenses include payroll costs of $15,000,000. Grum’s combined identifiable assets of all industry segments at December 31, 20x1, were $40,000,000. Reported revenues include $30,000,000 of sales to external customers.
External revenue reported by operating segments must be at least
セグメント報告に関する外部収益の条件として、報告対象セグメント(reportable segment)の外部収益合計が全事業部の外部収益合計の75%以上である、というものがある。問題の場合は$22,500,000(=$30,000,000×75%)となる。
what is included in research and development expense?
All costs of planning, designing, coding, and testing activities that are necessary to establish technological feasibility are expensed as research and development when incurred
Clint owns 50% of Vohl Corp.’s common stock. Clint paid $20,000 for this stock in 20x1. At December 31, 20x5, Clint’s 50% stock ownership in Vohl had a fair value of $180,000. Vohl’s cumulative net income and cash dividends declared for the 5 years ended December 31, 20x5, were $300,000 and $40,000, respectively. In Clint’s personal statement of financial condition at December 31, 20x5, what amount should be shown as the investment in Vohl?
個人貸借対照表(personal statement of financial condition)では、原則として資産は見積時(estimated current value)で計上される。見積時価には公正価値(fair value)、正味実現可能価額(net realizable value)、割引キャッシュフロー(discounted cash flow)、鑑定評価額(appraisal value)などが適宜に用いられる。問題ではVohl社の株式の20x5年12月31日の公正価値は$180,000なので、この金額で計上される。
A business interest that constitutes a large part of an individual’s total assets should be presented in a personal statement of financial condition as
A single amount equal to the estimated current value of the business interest.
個人資産の大部分を占める事業持分は他の投資勘定とは別建で表示される。この事業が独立事業体(非公開会社、パートナーシップ、個人事業など)、つまり継続事業体として市場性を有する(他者への売却が可能である)場合には、投資額の見積時価(estimated current value)を1つの勘定で表示する。従従って、正解はd。
In personal financial statements, how should estimated income taxes on the excess of the estimated current values of assets over their tax bases be reported in the statement of financial condition?
Between liabilities and net worth.
The estimated current values of Lane’s personal assets at December 31, 20x1, totaled $1,000,000, with tax bases aggregating $600,000. Included in these assets was a vested interest in a deferred profit-sharing plan with a current value of $80,000 and a tax basis of $70,000. The estimated current amounts of Lane’s personal liabilities equaled their tax bases at December 31, 20x1. Lane’s 20x1 effective income tax rate was 30%. In Lane’s personal statement of financial condition at December 31, 20x1, what amount should be provided for estimated income taxes relating to the excess of current values over tax bases?
個人財務諸表では、純資産の見積時価(estimated current value)が課税対象額を上回っている場合、その差額に税率を適用した金額を見積所得税(estimated income tax)として負債と純資産の間に計上する。よって、問題では$120,000 [($1,000,000-$600,000)×30%]となる。
Green, a calendar-year taxpayer, is preparing a personal statement of financial condition as of April 30, 2003. Green’s 2002 income tax liability was paid in full on April 15, 2003. Green’s tax on income earned between January and April 2003 is estimated at $20,000. In addition, $40,000 is estimated for income tax on the differences between the estimated current values and current amounts of Green’s assets and liabilities and their tax bases at April 30, 2003. No withholdings or payments have been made towards the 2003 income tax liability. In Green’s April 30, 2003 statement of financial condition, what amount should be reported, between liabilities and net worth, as estimated income taxes?
個人財務諸表で負債と正味財産の間に表示する見積税額 (estimated income taxes)を計算させる問題。
個人財務諸表では、当課税期間の既経過分に関する見積税額 (estimated amount for the elapsed portion of the current tax year)を負債として表示する。一方、資産の見積り時価から、負債の見積り時価を差し引いた金額(純資産の見積り時価)にもしも課税されると仮定した場合の税額と、実際の税務上の簿価 (tax bases)に対して課税されている金額との差額を見積税金 (estimated income taxes)として負債と正味財産 (net worth) の間に表示する。 本問では、$20,000が2003年1月から4月までの見積もり税額であるため負債に表示する。一方、負債と正味財産 (net worth) の間に表示する見積税額は$40,000となる。
Green, a calendar-year taxpayer, is preparing a personal statement of financial condition as of April 30, 2003. Green’s 2002 income tax liability was paid in full on April 15, 2003. Green’s tax on income earned between January and April 2003 is estimated at $20,000. In addition, $40,000 is estimated for income tax on the differences between the estimated current values and current amounts of Green’s assets and liabilities and their tax bases at April 30, 2003. No withholdings or payments have been made towards the 2003 income tax liability. In Green’s April 30, 2003 statement of financial condition, what amount should be reported, between liabilities and net worth, as estimated income taxes?
個人財務諸表で負債と正味財産の間に表示する見積税額 (estimated income taxes)を計算させる問題。
個人財務諸表では、当課税期間の既経過分に関する見積税額 (estimated amount for the elapsed portion of the current tax year)を負債として表示する。一方、資産の見積り時価から、負債の見積り時価を差し引いた金額(純資産の見積り時価)にもしも課税されると仮定した場合の税額と、実際の税務上の簿価 (tax bases)に対して課税されている金額との差額を見積税金 (estimated income taxes)として負債と正味財産 (net worth) の間に表示する。 本問では、$20,000が2003年1月から4月までの見積もり税額であるため負債に表示する。一方、負債と正味財産 (net worth) の間に表示する見積税額は$40,000となる。
Under IFRS, which of the following statements is (are) correct regarding interim financial reporting for the publicly traded entities?
I. Publicly traded entities are encouraged to provide interim financial reports at least as of the end of the first half of their financial year.
II. Publicly traded entities are encouraged to make their interim financial reports available not later than 60 days after the end of the interim period.
Both 1 and 2
Required to make a condensed statement of financial position, comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity, cash flow, and notes.
What’s the objective of 10-K?
Give the useful information to users of financial information
On January 16, Tree Co. paid $60,000 in property taxes on its factory for the current calendar year. On April 2, Tree paid $240,000 for unanticipated major repairs to its factory equipment. The repairs will benefit operations for the remainder of the calendar year. What amount of these expenses should Tree include in its third quarter interim financial statements for the three months ended September 30?
中間財務諸表(interim financial statements)において、いくつかの四半期にわたって効果が及ぶ費用(expense)はその効果が及ぶ期間に配分される。Tree社の第3四半期の中間財務諸表の費用は、以下のように求める。
1)財産税(property taxes)$60,000について:
1)2)より、第3四半期の中間財務諸表の費用は、$15,000+$80,000 = $95,000
What is the three elements of reportable segments quantitative thresholds?
Segment revenue (including inter-segment sales), operation profit or loss, and identifiable assets
For the following transaction, prepare the eliminating entry on Year 2 in general journal format. Select the appropriate account title from the list provided and enter the amount in each appropriate area.
During Year 2, Poe sold merchandise to Shaw, Poe’s subsidiary, for $60,000, which included a profit of $20,000. At December 31,Year 2, half of this merchandise remained in Shaw’s inventory.
Dr sales $60,000
Cr inventory $10,000
cost of sales $50,000
For the following transaction, prepare the eliminating entry on Year 2 in general journal format. Select the appropriate account title from the list provided and enter the amount in each appropriate area.
On December 31, Year 2, Poe paid $91,000 to purchase 50% of the outstanding bonds issued by Shaw, Poe’s subsidiary. The bonds mature on December 31, Year 8 and were originally issued at their face amount of $200,000. The bonds pay interest annually on December 31 of each year, and the interest was paid to the prior investor immediately before Poe’s purchase of the bonds.
Dr bond payable $100,000
Cr gain on retirement $9,000
investment $91,000
Grove County collects property taxes levied within its boundaries and receives a 1% fee for administering these collections on behalf of the municipalities located in the county. In 20x1, Grove collected $1,000,000 for its municipalities and remitted $990,000 to them after deducting fees of $10,000. In the initial recording of the 1% fee, Grove’s custodial fund should credit
仮受保管ファンド(agency fund)の手数料に関する仕訳は以下の通りである。
(Dr.) Cash 1,000,000
(Cr.)Additions 1,000,000
(Dr.) Deductions 1,000,000
(Cr.)Due to various municipalities 990,000
Due to Glove County-general fund 10,000
(Dr.) Due to various municipalities 990,000
(Cr.)Cash 990,000
Cash receipts from grants and subsidies to decrease operating deficits should be classified in which of the following sections of the statement of cash flows for governmental, not-for-profit entities?
資本投資に関連しない財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー(Cash flows from noncapital financing activities)には、以下が含まれる。
・資本投資目的でない(noncapital purposes)債券・借入の利息支払い
The following information for the year ended June 30, 20x1, pertains to a proprietary fund established by Burwood Village in connection with Burwood’s public parking facilities:
Receipts from users of parking facilities $400,000
Parking meters 210,000
Salaries and other cash expenses 90,000
Depreciation of parking meters 70,000
For the year ended June 30, 20x1, this proprietary fund should report net income of
企業会計区分(proprietary fund)の純利益を聞いている。企業会計区分(proprietary funds)は公共に提供する商品やサービスを管理するため発生主義(accrual basis)を使う。そのため資本資産やその減価償却の記帳が行われる。ユーザーからの受取りは収益であり、パーキングメーターは資産計上(capitalized)され、減価償却や給料といったものは費用となる。従って純利益は、$400,000から$70,000と$90,000を引いた$240,000となる。
What account should be debited in the general fund at inception of the lease if the equipment is a general capital asset and Rock does not use a capital projects fund?
Expenditure control
この設備が一般資本資産勘定(general capital assets)であり、資本資産取得ファンド(capital project fund)を使わないとき、リース開始時に一般ファンド(general fund)での$150,000の借方は何であるか聞いている。リース開始時に一般ファンド(general fund)では、リース債務総額が支出(expenditures)とその他の収入(other financing sources)として記録される。その他の資金流出(other financing uses)は通常のファンドの移転取引の記帳において使われる。資本資産(capital assets)を含めた固定資産は一般ファンド(general fund)では一切計上されない。リースが解約不可のキャピタルリース(noncancelable capital lease)であるときには備忘記録では不十分である。
The following transactions were among those reported by Corfe City’s electric utility enterprise fund for 20x1:
Capital contributed by subdividers $ 900,000
Cash received from customer households 2,700,000
Proceeds from sale of revenue bonds 4,500,000
In the electric utility enterprise fund’s statement of cash flows for the year ended December 31, 20x1, what amount should be reported as cash flows from capital and related financing activities?
資本拠出(capital contributions)と特別財源債の発行による受取額(proceeds
from revenue bonds)は、資本投資及びこれに関連する財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー(cash flows from capital and related financing activities)に分類され、顧客世帯からの現金受取額(cash received from customer households)は営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー(cash flows from operating activities)に分類される
Tod Corp. wrote off $ 100,000 of obsolete inventory at December 31, 20x1. The effect of this write-off was to decrease current ratio / quick current ratio?
Only the current ratio
流動比率(current ratio)とは、(流動資産)÷(流動負債)で求められる。従って棚卸資産の減少は、流動資産と流動比率の両方を減少させる。当座比率(quick ratio)は、現金と現金化の早い資産による、流動負債の返済能力を表す。当座比率算式は、(現金+正味受取債権+市場性ある証券に対する一時的な投資)÷(流動負債)であるから、棚卸資産は影響しない。
On its December 31, 20x2 balance sheet, Shin Co. had income taxes payable of $13,000 and a current deferred tax asset of $20,000 before determining the need for a valuation account. Shin had reported a current deferred tax asset of $15,000 at December 31, 20x1. No estimated tax payments were made during 20x2. At December 31, 20x2, Shin determined that it was more likely than not that 10% of the deferred tax asset would not be realized. In its 20x2 income statement, what amount should Shin report as total income tax expense?
$10,000 税金費用は、当期及び繰延分の2つからなっている。 i) 当期分の税金(current tax payable)に対応する分 課税所得 (taxable income)に現行の税率(current enacted tax rate)を乗じて求める。本問ではまず、i)は、以下の通り。 (Dr.) Income tax expense -current 13,000 (Cr.)Income tax payable 13,000 ii)繰延分に対応する分 以下、次の手順で考える。 1)DTAの残高は、20x1年末が$15,000で、20x2年末が$20,000であるので、変動した分($5,000)を下記の通り、計上する。 (Dr.) Deferred tax asset 5,000 (Cr.)Income tax expense -deferred 5,000
2) 評価勘定の計上 20x2年末が$20,000のうち「10%は実現可能性が50%未満である」とのことであるから、 (Dr.) Income tax expense -deferred 2,000 (Cr.)Allowance to reduce deferred tax assets to realizable value 2,000
3) Income tax expense -deferredは、1)と2)から、貸方残$3,000となる。トータルの税金費用は、i)とii)を貸借相殺すると、$10,000($13,000-$5,000+$2,000)となる。
When the pension benefit formula is based on future compensation levels (e.g., pay-related and final pay plans), which of the following terms includes assumptions regarding projected changes in future compensation?
Service cost component / ABO / PBO
Service cost component and PBO
予測給付債務(PBO)と勤務費用要素(service cost component)は予測される将来の給与水準を反映している一方、累積給付債務(ABO)は予測される将来の給与水準を見積もることなく従業員の過去のサ-ビスと現在の給与レベルに基づいて測定されている。
Effective January 1, 20x1, Flood Co. established a defined benefit pension plan with no retroactive benefits. The first of the required equal annual contributions was paid on December 31, 20x1. A 10% discount rate was used to calculate service cost and a 10% rate of return was assumed for plan assets. All information on covered employees for 20x1 and 20x2 is the same. How should the service cost for 20x2 compare with 20x1, and should the 20x1 balance sheet report a pension asset or liability?
Service cost of 20x2 is greater than 20x1
Pension asset
Service costはどちらも同額の給付額を10%で割り引くため20x3年12月31日までの期間が短い方がPV は大きくなる。
What is the rule to the recognition of actuarial gains and losses under IFRS?
Recognize the full amount of actuarial gains and losses in other comprehensive income.
GAAP-> use corridor approach 当期首の確定給付制度債務の現在価値の10%、または当期首の制度資産の公正価値の10%を超過する保険数理の利得及び損失の一部を当期損益で認識する
What is the component of the changes in the net assets available for benefits of a defined benefit pension plan trust?
- 投資の公正価値の変動額(the net change (appreciation/depreciation) in fair value of investment)
- 投資収益(investment income)
- 雇用主からの拠出(contributions from employers)
- 加入者からの拠出(contributions from participants)
- その他の特定原資からの拠出(contributions from other identified sources)
- 加入者への給付額(benefits paid to participants)
- 契約購入による保険会社への支払い(payments to insurance entities to purchase contracts)
- 管理費用(administrative expenses)
累積制度給付額の保険数理による現在価値の変動額(net change in the actuarial present value of accumulated plan benefits)は、給付のために利用可能な純資産の変動計算書ではなく、累積制度給付額の計算書(statement of accumulated plan benefits)で示される。
Z Company amends the pension plan on January 1, Year 2, to grant employees prior service benefits with a present value of $160,000. Amortization of prior service cost using the year-of-service method is $45,000 for Year 2. What is the journal entry for this change?
Dr OCI 115,000
Pension expense 45,000
Cr Pension asset and liability 160,000
prior service cost はOCIに全額計上した上でaverage remaining service year に渡って償却する
In 20x1, Rona Corp. issued 5,000 shares of $10 par value common stock for $100 per share. In 20x4, Rona reacquired 2,000 of its shares at $150 per share from the estate of one of its deceased officers and immediately canceled these 2,000 shares. Rona uses the cost method in accounting for its treasury stock transactions. In connection with the retirement of these 2,000 shares, Rona should debit
(Dr.)Common stock 20,000 ($10 x 2,000)
APIC 180,000 ($90 x 2,000)
Retained earnings 100,000 ($50 x 2,000)
(Cr.)Cash 300,000 ($150 x 2,000)