Things to Know Flashcards
Which EKG Lead is best for monitoring ischemia
Lead V5 alone will detect 75% of ischemic episodes in men 40 – 60 years of age, adding lead V4 increases this to 90%, and the combination of leads II, V4, and V5 add up to a 96% detection rate
Which EKG Lead is best for monitoring for arrhythmia
What is HELLP Syndrome
Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelets
Signs & Symptoms
1) RUQ pain or epigastric pain
2) HTN
3) Headache
4) N/V
5) Proteinuria
Pre-Eclampsia Definition
Pre-Eclampsia Definition
1. Two readings of SBP > 140 or DBP > 90, ideally 2 measurements at least 4 hrs apart
2. Proteinuria – 24 hr urine level > 300 mg or urine protein/cr ratio of 0.3
3. > 20 weeks gestation
Severe Pre-Eclampsia (severe features)
- Sustained SBP > 160 or DBP > 110 (ideally 2 measurements 4 hrs apart)
- New renal insufficiency (Cr > 1.1 or doubling of Cr)
- New CNS disturbances i.e headache or vision changes
- Pulmonary edema
- Liver dysfunction (LFTs doubling)
- Epigastric or RUQ pain (distention of Glisson’s capsule)
- Thrombocytopenia < 100,000
Age of gestation to need Mg for neuroprotection
24-32 weeks
Steroids for fetal lung maturity
One course of antenatal corticosteroids should be administered to all patients who are between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation and at risk of delivery within 7 days
Affects of maternal magnesium
Seizure prophylaxis, decreased SVR, increased uteroplacental perfusion
Complications: muscle weakness, respiratory & CV depression
Neonatal resuscitation
1) Assess neonate for term, tone, breathing
2) Clear the airway
3) Warm, dry, stimulate
4) Supplemental oxygen as needed to maintain target SpO2
If following above HR was below 100 or remained apneic and gasping
5) Provide PPV starting with room air then titrating upwards
6) Place SpO2 on RUE, consider placing EKG
After 30 seconds if HR less than 60
7) Intubate
8) Begin chest compressions at 3:1 rate with breaths
9) Establish IV access - Umbilical vs. IO
10) Place EKG if not already placed
If after 60 seconds HR remains < 60 bpm
11) Administer 0.01-0.03 mg/kg epi
12) Give fluid or blood if hypovolemic
13) Eval for possible pneumothorax, hypoglycemia, magnesium toxicity
Neonatal target O2 Sat
1 min - 60-65%
2 min - 65-70%
etc up to 10 min 85-95%
Heparin dose for CBP
300 U/KG (about 21,000 units in a 70kg man)
SVR calculation
SVR = [(MAP - CVP)/CO]*80
MAP: Mean Arterial Pressure
CVP: Central Venous Pressure
CO: Cardiac Output
Normal 750-1200
PVR calculation
Normal 100-200
Treatment for uterine atony
Reduce inhalational agent first if GA
1) Oxytocin
2) Methergine (methylgonovine) 0.2 mg IM
3) Hemabate/Carboprost - 15-methyl-prostaglandin F2-alpha 250 mcg IM
3) Misoprostol (cytotec, prostaglandin E1 analogue), 400 mcg sublingual or 800 mcg-1000mcg per rectum
4) Dinoprostone (prostaglandin E2) - 20 mg vaginal or rectal
If none of the above working consider: Intra-uterine balloon B-lynch sutures Ligation of internal iliac, uterine and ovarian arteries Hysterectomy
Oxytocin, Methergine, Hemabate - how do they work and any contra-indications
All work by contracting myometrial smooth muscle by increasing intracellular calcium levels
Hemabate - associated with bronchospasm
Methergine - associated with HTN
Oxytocin - associated with hypotension
Rule of thumb for what PaO2 should be for a certain FiO2
FiO2 x4-5
Sevoflurane vs. Desflurane vaporizer type
Sevoflurane is a variable bypass vaporizer - variable amount of gas is directed into a vaporizing chamber
Des vaporizer electrically heats to create a vapor pressure of 2 atmospheres then pure des vapor is mixed with fresh gas
PSI of full O2 tank
~2000 psi in full tank, about 660 liters O2
Time remaining (hrs) = Pressure (PSIG) / [200 x flow rate (L/min)]
Sickle cell disease
Substitution of valine for glutamic acid in beta chains of hemoglobin leads to hemoglobin S (sub on chromosome 11)
Preoperative hematocrit of 30% for patients undergoing moderate and high risk surgeries
Treatment of sickle cell crisis: pain control, IV hydration, supplemental oxygen, maintaining hematocrit, treating infection, exchange transfusion to reduce fraction of Hfb S to less than 40%
Risk factors for aspiration
obesity delayed gastric emptying (pain, acute abdomen, cirrhosis, chronic alcohol use, autonomic neuropathy) pregnancy neurologic dysphagia bowel obstruction disruption of the GE junction extremes of age history of GERD
Effects of local anesthetics on the heart
Inhibition of voltage gated sodium channels
slowed cardiac conduction (increased PR interval, widened QRS), decreased rate of depolarization, reduction in cardiac-contractility, depressed spontaneous pacemaker activity in the sinus node
Signs of LAST
Initial signs and symptoms include agitation, confusion, dizziness, drowsiness, dysphoria, auditory changes, tinnitus, perioral numbness, metallic taste, and dysarthria. Without adequate recognition and treatment, these signs as symptoms can progress to seizures, respiratory arrest, and/or coma as well as cardiac toxicity
Intra-lipid dose for LAST
20% lipid emulsion
1.5 ml/kg initial bolus (repeat in 5 mins if no effect)
Followed by 0.25 ml/kg/min for 30-60 mins
Dantrolene MOA and dose
binds to the ryanodine receptor, inhibiting calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
Loading dose 2.5 mg/kg, may repeat in 5-10 mins
(Limit 10 mg/kg)
maintain with 1 mg/kg q 4-6 hours at least for 24 hours after MH episode