Things To Do After Installibg Kali Linux Flashcards
If you don’t have git make sure to install it
And how to resolve errors
to install git you just type this command
Apt install git
To see this picture open up notes or Anki app
Well above in the picture if you have errors as you can see the things to copy and remove to resolver errors
Git is usally already installed
How to install with GitHub
Well you go to GitHub and look up any tool you want and then you copy the whole link at the top of the page
To see these pictures open them in notes or Anki app
Like that then you type git clone and paste the thing you copied after git clone and it will download here’s an example
Make sure to add .git at the end of the link to here’s a picture of example
After that just type ls and you should see it as a directory
The you just type cd and the directory you installed that simple
Then click ls and you will see the files in that directory
Then after that do chmod +x if required
What is the command for adduser
adduser name
So where I put name put what ever name you want to use
After all that is done
Just do the rest that it’s says
You can then give that account the privilege to use root user things if they provide the password, here’s the command forefoot privlages
usermod -aG sudo name
Use any name you made the account with
To remove a user type userdel snow
Install tilix
This allows you to run multiple commands all at once
You probably won’t use this but it is good to have it because you run multiple terminals at once if you what to one is just white or black and not transparent
To see pictures open Anki app or notes
To use tilix just type the command tilix
And it will pull up a terminal
You can also make multiple terminal windows in tilix with the 2 buttons in the top left just mess around with them they are both squares or rectangles with a plus sign
Just close tilix by pressing the x in the top right of tilix
How to install tor
Too se pictures open boo or notes
This lets you acces the deep web and dark web and all the onion links
A mane reason we install tor is because many programs like instashell have to have it to run
Just type this simple command to install tor
apt install
To use tor you have to type this command to start the service
Service tor start
Then use this command to open tor
It should show an error after this command or in the bottom right it might say see warnings above after this you know tor works so then type this command to stop the service. MUST DO THIS!!!
service tor stop