Thigh/Knee Anatomy Flashcards
what is the intertrochanteric line?
anterior, between LT and GT
what is the intertrochanteric crest?
posterior, line between LT and GT
where is the adductor tubercle?
medial aspect of the distal femur (essentially the medial epicondyle)
where is the gluteal tuberosity?
the lateral continuation of the linea aspera superiorly to the GT
what is the linea aspera?
the ridge on the posterior aspect of the femur created inferiorly by the supracondylar lines and superiorly by the lateral (gluteal tuberosity), intermediate (pectineal line) and medial ridges.
anteversion of the hip
head-neck angle of the femur
127° coxa vara if < 120 coxa valga inf > 135
anterior radius of curvature of the femur
120 cm
when does the tri-radiate cartilage fuse?
3 functions of the labrum
- seal with hydrostatic pressure 2. lubrication 3. deepens the acetabulum
name the ligaments of the hip
iliofemoral (ASIS to intertrochanteric line - strongest)
ligamentum teres
what are the longitudinal retinacular fibres?
travel along the neck carrying blood vessels
adductor longus
femoral artery and vein
medial intermuscular septum
vastus medialis
vastus intermedius
rectus femoris
vastus lateralis
sciatic nerve
lateral intermuscular septum
biceps femoris - short head
biceps femoris - long head
adductor magnus
adductor brevis
vastus lateralis
vastus medialis and intermeius
rectus femoris
adductor longus
adductor brevis
gluteus maximus
vastus lateralis
tensor fascia lata
rectus femoris
adductor longus
adductor brevis
vastus intermedius
adductor magnus
origin of glut max
dorsal ilium
insertion of glut max
fascia lata and gluteal tuberosity
origin glut med
dorsal ilium inferior to iliac crest
insertion of glut med
superolateral GT
origin of glut min
dorsal ilium between inferior and anterior gluteal lines
insertion of glut min
anterior GT
origin of iliacus
upper 2/3 of iliac fossa
insertion of iliacus
TFL origin
TFL insertion
IT band
origin sartorius
insertion sartorius
superior part of the pes on the proximal, medial tibia
origin rectus femoris
AIIS - straight head
groove above acetabulum - reflected head
insertion rectus femoris
base of patella
origin vastus lateralis
intertrochanteric line
anterior-inferior GT
insertion vastus lateralis
lateral base and border of patella
origin vastus medialis
intertrochanteric line
medial lip of linea aspera
insertion vastus medialis
medial base and border of patella
origin vastus intermedialis
superior 2/3 anterolateral surface of femur and lateral intermuscular septum
insertion of vastus intermedialis
lateral border of patella
what is the articularis genu?
a small muscle that originates from the distal anterior surface of the femur to insert on the superior synovial membrane of the knee. It pulls the suprapatellar bursa superiorly during extension of the knee to prevent impingement
adductor brevis origin
anterior inferior pubic ramus
insertion adductor brevis
pectineal line
medial lip of linea aspera
origin adductor longus
anterior surface of body of pubis
insertion adductor longus
middle third of linea aspera
origin adductor magnus
inferior pubic ramus
ischial ramus
inferolateral area of ischial tuberosity
insertion adductor magnus
gluteal tuberosity
medial lip of linea aspera
medial supracondylar ridge
adductor tubercle
innervation of adductor magnus
posterior obturator
sciatic for hamstring portion*
origin pectineus
pecten pubis
insertion pectineus
pectineal line on femur
innervation of pectineus
femoral nerve
obturator nerve
origin gracillis
inferior margin of pubic symphysis and ischial ramus
insertion of gracillus
second on pes (just posterior to sartorius)
biceps femoris long head origin
ischial tuberosity
insertion of biceps femoris long head
fibular head
lateral tibial condyle
origin of biceps femoris short head
lateral lip of linea aspera
lateral supracondylar ridge
lateral intramuscular septum
insertion of biceps femoris short head
fibular head
lateral tibial condyle
innervation of biceps femoris short head
common peroneal nerve
origin semitendinosis
ischial tuberosity with long head biceps femoris
insertion of semitendinosis
bottom of the pes
semimembranosus origin
ischial tuberosity with long head of biceps and semiT
insertion semimembranosus
posterior surface of the medial tibial condyle
name the 5 insertions of semimembranosus
posterior medial tibial condyle
oblique popliteal ligament
posterior capsule and posterior horn of medial meniscus
posterior oblique ligament
aponeurosis of popliteal muscle
rectus femoris
obturator internus and gemeli
glut min
vastus lateralis
vastus intermedius
vastus medialis
adductor magnus