Thesis Statement Flashcards
What is a thesis statement
Gives the main idea of an essay
What is a fact
Something known for certain and can beverified
Ways to narrow the scope of the topic
Limited & qualified topic
Different strategies of development
Description, smell, example, causes)effects,
When composing thesis statement youuse
General topic, qualified topic, controlling idea, strategy of development,
Introductory paragraph
The first paragraph of an has one main purpose, and thats is to make the readers eager to read more.
The use of another person’s work-without acknowledging the source.
Direct quotations
The same exact words of another writer) using quotation words.
Indirect quotation
Uses your own words to report on what another person has spoken or written,
Using one’s own words to restate each and every idea of a passage from another’s work and result n a new passage that is virtually the same length as the organ
Using one’s own words to restate the main ideas of another person’s work
A piece of a sentence
MLA style
Author, “ title of article”, title of websites, publisher, date of publication & URL
APA style
In text citation and reference citation
Preventing techniques
Preventing, journal waiting, focused free writing, brainstorming, clustering, outlining.
Elements of good writing
Subject, purpose, audience, voice, Unity f& coherence
Two approaches to ordering material.
Block-method & point-by-point method
Process analysis
Amethod of development that orders A step-by-step explanation of how something is done or works.
Basis for classification
Topic, ways to divide the topic.
Making distinct categories
Basis for classification, distinct categories.
Terms that signal classification.
Traits, types, parts, features, levels, groups.