Thermomechanical- Static and Dynamic Structural Changes Flashcards
Where do dynamic and static events occur for rolling?
Dynamic events take place during deformation so in the region between the rolls.
Static events take place after the deformation has occurred so are after the rolls.
Examples are dynamic and static recrystallisation
How does the microstructure changes before during and after rolling?
The original grains before rolling are deformed and become elongated by the rolling process. Later new grains can form and grow by static RX to form new equiaxed grains. Could also get dynamic RX in which case this happens between the rolls
Graphs for true stress vs true strain for work hardening
Both have concave curve up initially as the grains deform (elongate) a bit. For high Z conditions, this curve keeps going up as grains continue to be deformed and elongated. This is pure work hardening. For low Z conditions, the curve reaches a peak at εp then starts decreasing a bit as dynamic RX starts then levels off once dynamic RX complete. The peak in the graph is usually an indicator of dynamic RX
Stress strain graph for dynamic recovery
Small concave curve up at start then levels off to basically straight horizontal line. Entire graph is higher for larger strain rate but same shape. Behaviour typical for α-iron, ferritic steel and Al as these all have high stacking fault energies
What does dynamic recovery mean for RX?
When dynamic recovery takes place, all the deformational energy is expended through recovery so there is none left to drive (dynamic?) RX
Why might there be a peak in the stress strain curve even when dynamic RX is not occurring?
It could just be dynamic recovery but at a high strain rate as this generates heat increasing the temperature of the metal and reducing its strength. The peak will be at εs
What happens during recovery?
Polygonisation occurs which is where dislocations rearrange themselves into low energy configurations. This doesn’t change the overall dislocation density and so there is very little change in mechanical properties. At strains greater than εs (where peak in graph may be) polygonisation looks to have made a network of almost subgrains but the boundaries are clusters of dislocations
How do hardness, resistivity, cell size, density and energy release vary with temperature through recovery and RX?
Property vs temperature with recovery region (wider) left of RX (narrower). Hardness stays fairly constant into and through recovery then drops quickly through RX then settles after. Resistivity decreases through recovery a bit then more through RX then settles. Cell size constant until just before RX then does steep linear increase. Density increases a bit through recovery then more through RX then settles. Energy releases increases just before recovery then fairly constant then increases a lot more into RX then comes back down still within RX.
Why ides resistivity decrease through recovery and RX?
The as-deformed material has more point defects like vacancies which increase resistivity. Recovery reduces the number of these defects so resistivity decreases (conductivity increases)
What microstructure changes occur due to work hardening and recovery and where do they take place relative to the stress strain curve?
Concave curve up until εm then fairly level. Throughout the process grains elongate. Left of εm dislocation density increases and subgrains develop. Right of εm dislocation density remains constant and subgrains remain. These are about equiaxed with constant means size and mean misorientation. This is for constant strain rate and T
When dynamic RX occurs, describe how the true stress vs true strain graph varies with strain rate and what the grains are doing at each stage of the graph
Steep curve up to peak then short exponential curve down to horizontal. This graph moves up for increasing strain rate and the peak is further right (higher strain to peak stress). RX starts before the peak and the peak is where there is a great enough fraction of RX grains to compensate for work hardening from elongated original grains. Once horizontal section reached all grains are equiaxed RXd grains with constant mean size. Original grains elongate until this point
Where do new grains from RX first form and how do they progress?
They form on the grain boundaries to form a necklace of new grains. As strain increases a second stage of cascade forms on both sides of this necklace progressing into grains. Third and fourth stages of cascade form until the centre of grains is reached by new grains.
Why are the observable microstructural changes produced by static recovery small?
Because dynamic recovery has already taken place during deformation
What can static recovery result in and lead to?
Results in the develop,ent of nuclei for static RX when the prior strain exceeds some low critical value. Static recovery also leads to some softening which is easily detected if a second deformation is applied following some delay period after the end of the first deformation (e.g. roll 1 then delay before roll 2)
Formula for fraction recrystallised by static RX
JMAK equation
Where t is time
t sub f is time required for a fraction f to have RXd
C=-ln(1-f) and is 0.693 when f=0.5
k is Avrami coefficient which is typically about 2 although values as low as 0.7 have been observed for some alloy steels