Thermodynamic Cycles Flashcards
What is the Carnot cycle?
A theoretical cycle with maximum efficiency:
η = 1 - (Tc / Th)
What are the four stages of the Rankine cycle?
Pump: Increases pressure.
Boiler: Adds heat to produce steam.
Turbine: Converts steam energy into work.
Condenser: Rejects heat.
What is the Otto cycle?
A model for internal combustion engines:
η = 1 - (1 / r^(γ-1) )
r : Compression ratio
γ = cp / cv
What is the purpose of a Brayton cycle?
The Brayton cycle models gas turbine engines.
What improvements can be made to the Rankine cycle?
Regeneration: Preheating feedwater using extracted steam.
Reheat: Expanding steam in two stages with reheating in between.
What is intercooling in the Brayton cycle?
Reduces compressor work by cooling air between compression stages, improving net work output.