Theresa's Lines Flashcards
Troupe 771…9
THERESA: I’m just going to call this realtor and then we’ll talk about yout story.
MERCER: I’m n no hurry
THERESA: Hi. I was calling for Casey Samples… Sure, I’ll hold. So what’s your idea?
MERCER: I’ll wait till you get off the phone.
THERESA: I haven’t really left my house, you know, I’ve basically been going home and hunkering down. So I’ve been watching a lot of TV, and there’s that cable channel, Life time? It’s the woman’s network? They play all these made-for-TV movies on there and, I don’t know, every other night, I guess there’s one on about stalking. They’re all called, like Poisoned Love or Love Hurts.
MERCER: Or… The Graduate
THERESA: Exactly. Anyway, they all start with a married woman, and her husband’s ignoring her. But the tennis pro at her country club thinks she’s really hot and he makes a pass at her. ANd she gives in and has sex with him, but she doesn’t want to have a real relationship with the guy because he’s a tennis pro, for gods sake. But he won’t have that and he starts talking her. Then her husband finds out and leave sher. SO she buys a gun to protect herself, and at the last minute, she shoots the stalker in the head. Sometimes it’s a pistol, sometimes it’s a pump-action ridle. At first, I was disgusted, but I found I kept watching the stupid things beacuse, at the end, I felt this real sense of satisfaction when the stalker got it in the head. (pauses as she reads the letter.) Mercer? (Someone comes on the line) Yeah, I want to get that apartment on Sixty-Eighth. This si Theresa Bedell. What do you mean? I was there twenty minutes ago! What do you mean?
MECER: Theresa?
THERESA: Then you have to get me another one!
MERCER: Theresa? (He sees the letter she was looking at)
THERESA: No! I don’t… I can’t wait! NO! NO! Now! Do you hear me? NOW! You can’t– we had a verbal contract! A verbal contract!
MERCER: Oh God. Hang up the phone.
MERCER: Hang up the… Hang up the phone. We’ll call the police. It’s just a letter. He’s not here, he’s not here. It’s just a letter. (she pushes him away) Okay.
THERESA: I don’t know you.
THERESA: What’s your interest in me?
MERCER: I’m just trying to help. Honestly, I promise I’m juts trying to help. Is there someone… why don’t you let me call your friend Linda.
THERESA: This is Linda’s fault.
MERCER: Is there somebody else I can call? Somebody in your family?
MERCER: Okay. I’m going to call the police, then. What’s the woman’s name?
THERESA: Detective Beck.
MERCER: Is it in your Rolodex?
THERESA: Yes. Under “B.” For Beck (pauses) The playoffs are on tonight.
MERCER: (On the phone) Can I speak to Detective Beck, please? Thanks. (Beat) Yeah, It’s Mercer Stevens calling, it’s about Theresa Bedell, it’s urgent.
THERESA: If he is watching the Yankees… if he is some where, watching the Yankees, I’ll kill him.
MERCER: It’s okay. They’re paging her.
THERESA: I mean it.